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Monday, 24 September 2012

Air Canada to create over 1,100 Jobs

Air Canada, the country's largest airline, has said that it will hire over 1,100 employees in the next one year, as the company plans to compete more vigorously in the airline market and is poised to launch a low cost carrier in 2013.

Air Canada will add more than 900 employees to meet its planned workforce requirements, while 200 new positions will be created for flight attendants and pilots at the airline's proposed low cost venture, the company said in a statement.

The carrier's president and chief executive officer Calin Rovinescu said: ''Air Canada is undertaking a selective hiring process over the next 12 months in order to seize new commercial opportunities, enhance customer service and renew our workforce.''

''This recruitment program is consistent with our focus on controlling costs to become more competitive in our various markets," Rovinescu further stated

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