, pub-6370463716499017, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 AlfaBloggers Best Bloggers Team Of Asia : August 2017

Thursday, 24 August 2017

How to Become a Great Alfa Blogger

How to Become a Great Alfa Blogger

If you are starting Blogging then you must definitely take these tips. So that your hard work is not worthless. 

I'm going to give you some tips that you can become a great Blogger.

1. First of all select the subject of the article which people need, benefit from it, because no one will benefit from your article. Like - new technical information, inspirational articles, earn money right from the internet, etc.

2 . Choose unique and simple words to write your article. Try to give more information in the work terms.

3. Add 2 or 3 image of best quality to the article, which will make the article look even more beautiful and if buy, then buy also image.

4. If you are writing a tutorial article then definitely add info-graphic to it.

5. Before writing any article, please take all the information, read about it. Because you have complete knowledge, you can give the right information to the people. If possible, add a daily routine to reading other Blogs. Do not rush to write articles.

6. By focusing on increasing traffic, focus on writing a good article. Traffic will increase automatically

7. Article writes in two ways, focusing first on SEO, and writing without SEO, but writing skill is good.

8. In the beginning, whatever type of article you write, do not underestimate others, because it is all about mistakes. Gradually improve your writing skills.

Some Specific Instructions for Alfa Blogger

The writer of Blogger will be given keywords and #Hesteg himself, according to which he has to write a complete Blog.

Office for Alfa Blogger will be open from Monday to Thursday. Friday, Saturday and Sunday office will be closed. Therefore, if there is no Emergency to the Blogger, then it is only these days that in office time i.e. between 11:00AM to 2:00 PM

If Alfa Bloggers have missed  up on WhatsApp or Facebook from any Maam and they are not getting their reply immediately. So he will not be disturbed.

Mili Chakravarty

Be patient because many Bloggers are online at the same time, so at the same time it is a bit difficult for everyone to answer. Similarly, the reply of an Alfa Bloggers's email is not immediately enough. So whenever you do any writing or article, contact the Nidhi ma'am and Milli ma'am and ask for the mail id to whom it can send. Because this site has more than 700 mail IDs, then it is difficult to operate every one, so it is not necessary to get the mail reply immediately.

Do not attach any article to the Blogger attached to any file and send it. However, paste it in the compose box of mail and send it. Because of attach the file, download the file here and then open it, it goes a lot of time. That's why it is better to paste it into the compose and paste it.

After the article is published, share the Blogger as much as possible on All the Social Media Sites. So that we can get more hits and likes.

एक बेहतरीन Alfa Blogger  कैसे बने

 जब आप ब्लॉगिंग स्टार्ट कर रहे हैं तो इन टिप्स को आपको जरूर अपना चाहिए। जिससे कि आपकी मेहनत बेकार न जाये। ऐसे मैं आपको कुछ टिप्स देने जा रही हूं जिसे आप एक बेहतरीन ब्लॉगर बन सकते हैं।

1 . सबसे पहले आर्टिकल का subject ऐसा चुनें जिसकी लोगों को ज़रुरत हो , लोगों को उससे फ़ायदा हो क्योंकि की बिना फायदे के कोई भी आपके आर्टिकल को नहीं पढ़ेगा । जैसे – नई तकनीकी जानकारी , प्रेरणादायक लेख , इन्टरनेट से पैसे कमाने  सही तरीका आदि ।

2 . आपका आर्टिकल लिखने का तरीका unique और सरल शब्दों का चुनाव करें । काम शब्दों में अधिक जानकारी देने की कोशिश करें ।

3 . article में 2 या 3 image best quality की add करें , जिससे लेख और भी सुन्दर दिखे और अगर ज़रुरत पड़े तो image buy भी करें ।

4 .  अगर आप tutorial आर्टिकल लिख रहे हैं तो उसमे info-graphic ज़रूर ऐड करें ।

5 . कोई भी आर्टिकल लिखने से पहले उस पूरी जानकारी लें , उसके बारे में पढ़ें । क्योकि आपको पूरी जानकारी होगी तभी आप लोगों को सही जानकारी दे सकते हो । हो सके तो डेली अन्य ब्लॉग पढ़ने की आदत डालें । आर्टिकल लिखने में जल्दबाजी ना करें ।

6. आप ट्रैफिक बढ़ाने पर ध्यान न देकर , एक अच्छा article लिखने पर focus करें । ट्रैफिक अपने आप बढ़ेगी ।

7 . आर्टिकल दो तरह से लिखते है , पहला SEO  पर फोकस करके लिखना और दूसरा बिना SEO के लेकिन उसकी writing skill अच्छी होती है ।

8 . शुरुआत में आप जैसा भी आर्टिकल लिखें उसे दूसरों से कम ना आंके , क्योकि शुरुआत सबकी ग़लतियों से ही होती है । धीरे धीरे अपनी writing skill को improve करें ।

अल्फा ब्लॉगर की कुछ खास हिदायतें

ब्लॉगर के राइटर को खुद कीवर्ड्स और टेग दिए जाएंगे, जिस के हिसाब से उन्हें पूरा एक ब्लॉग लिखना है।

अल्फा ब्लॉकर के लिए सोमवार से लेकर बृहस्पतिवार तक ऑफिस खुला रहेगा। शुक्रवार, शनिवार और इतवार ऑफिस बंद रहेगा। इसलिए ब्लॉगर को अगर कोई इमरजेंसी ना हो तो वह इन ही दिनों में ऑफिस टाइम में यानी कि 11:00 से 2:00 बजे के बीच में ही कांटेक्ट करें।

अल्फा ब्लॉगर को सबसे पहले निधि मैम या फिर मिली मैम से कोंटेक्ट करना है। वह भी WhatsApp और Facebook के जरिये, उसके बाद अगर कोई इमरजेंसी लगती है तो वह उन्हें कॉल कर सकते हैं।

अगर अल्फा ब्लॉगर्स ने मैम से WhatsApp या Facebook पर कोई मैसेज किया है और उनका तुरंत रिप्लाई नहीं मिल रहा है। तो वह परेशान ना हो। धैर्य रखें क्योंकि एक ही समय पर बहुत सारे ब्लॉगर ऑनलाइन होते हैं तो इसलिए एक ही समय पर सबको जवाब दे पाना थोड़ा मुश्किल होता है। इसी तरह अल्फा ब्लॉकर के ईमेल का रिप्लाई भी तुरंत मिल जाए ऐसा पॉसिबल नहीं है। इसलिए जब भी आप कोई भी राइटिंग या आर्टिकल मेल करते हैं तो निधि मैम और मिली मैम से कांटेक्ट करके मेल id मांग ले की वह किस पर भेज सकते हैं। क्योंकि 700 से भी ज्यादा मेल ID इस साइट के पास है तो हर एक को ऑपरेट कर पाना मुश्किल होता है, इसलिए मेल का रिप्लाई तुरंत मिले ऐसा भी जरुरी नहीं है।

ब्लॉगर जो भी आर्टिकल भेजे वह किसी भी फाइल में अटैच करके ना भेजे। बल्की उसको मेल के कंपास बॉक्स में पेस्ट करके भेजें। क्योंकि फाइल को अटैच करके भेजने पर यहां उस फाइल को डाउनलोड करो उसके बाद उसे ओपन करो, इतने में बहुत टाइम जाता है। इसलिए बेहतर है कि वह उसको कंपोज में पेस्ट करके भेजें।

आर्टिकल पब्लिश हो जाने के बाद ब्लॉगर जितना ज्यादा हो सके उसे सोशल मीडिया साइट पर शेयर करें। ताकि हमें ज्यादा से ज्यादा हिट एंड लाइक्स मिल सके।

#Sales,  #Marketing,  


Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Dynamic Woman Entrepreneur

For our Business Expansion we are urgently Looking for 

HR Manager, 
Manager Sales and Mktg
Travel Blog Developer  


We Promoters of Air Aviator, an Aviation Start-up by Asiatic International Aviation Corp and Trainee Managers of different Indian Institute of Management(IIMs), we Deals in Aviation News Blog, Videos, Inbound and Outbound Aviation Air Charter Services,  Tour Packages  etc. We have few new Blogs and App which cater completely to Aviation section. Charter Jet Categories include Turbo Props,heavy Jets, and Airliners. Air Aviator provides Aircraft ranging from Helicopters to Business Jets to Commercial Airliners for Individuals, Corporates and Group travellers to any destination in the world.
The purpose of is for Social Media Entrepreneurs to find support in starting their own Blog / VLog based Product Lines, and To bring Social Media People together to help Create new, Innovative Products into our Blog based Marketplace.

HR Manager

Qualifications: -
·         Bachelor degree in any discipline (Preferably in Engineering)
·         MBA [ HR ] degree

Required Skillset: -

·         Highly enthusiastic and self-motivated to join a Start-Up
·         Ready to take  Challenges / Initiatives
·         Versatile enough to work on various niches and diversified work
·         Excellent communication and presentation skills both verbal and written
·         Ability to respond effectively to the most sensitive inquiries or complaints
·         People oriented and results driven
·         Demonstrable knowledge of Human Resources metrics

Roles & Responsibilities : -

·         Developing and implementing HR strategies aligned with the overall business strategy
·         Bridging management and employee relations by addressing demands or other issues
·         Managing the recruitment and selection process
·         Plans and conducts new employee orientation to foster positive attitude toward company goals.
·         Nurture and maintain healthy relationships with existing client through follow ups.
·         Explore innovative ways to engage people to maximize online reach.
·         Coordinate internally with teams and effectively communicating across organization.
·         Providing support, email, telephonic communication etc.


Qualifications: -
·         Bachelor degree in any discipline (Preferably in Engineering) ·         MBA [ Mktg / eComm ] degree

Required Skillset : -
·         Highly enthusiastic and Self-Motivated to join a Start-Up
·         Ready to take challenges/initiatives
·         Versatile enough to work on various niches and diversified work
·         Excellent communication and presentation skills both verbal and written
·         Ability to respond effectively to the most sensitive inquiries or complaints
·         People oriented and results driven
·         Demonstrable knowledge of BDM Profile 

Roles & Responsibilities : -

·         Developing and implementing Business Development  strategies aligned with the overall Blog based Business strategy
·         Plans and conducts new  Business Development orientation to foster positive attitude toward company goals.
·         Nurture and maintain healthy relationships with existing client through follow ups.
·         Explore innovative ways to engage people to maximize online reach.
·         Coordinate internally with teams and effectively communicating across organization.
·         Providing support, email, telephonic communication etc.

Manager Sales and Mktg

Travel Blog Developer  

Mobile Videos Managers

If interested eMail your CV at 
Visit : 

If you are one of the Tech Savvy Business Woman with own Mobile Laptop   you can send us your Bio with some good pics and following details. 

The main motive of this project to Motivate others Young Tech Savvy to follow your pathways.

Name : 
Education :
Organisation :
Designation :
WhatsApp No :
E Mail :
Facebook :

Mail to :


Business Expansion Manager  Aviation Blog contains Information on various 

Airlines Jobs for Pilots and Flight Attendants / Cabin Crew, Interview 

Tips, Latest Aviation News and the Lifestyle of an Airline Crew

News Editor, 
Graphic Designer, 
Video Maker, 
App Developer,

For our Business Expansion we are urgently Looking for  HR Manager, BDM,  Manager Sales and Mktg, Travel Blog Developer  

Start-Ups : 

Work from Home INTERNSHIP cum Training on "DIGITAL MARKETING

Guest Posting on Our Apps and Blogs

Best Career Counsellor in Your Own City Work From Home  

DBA Apply for Best A1 Cabs Franchise in India

AirCrews Aviation Invites you to Register and List Your Aviation Organization

Work at Home Packages Aircrews Aviation Pvt Ltd provides Work at Home Packages as per your Need, Requirements and Availability Choose the Best as suitable for you !

Work From Home As Best Career Counselor in Your Own City

Blogger / Content Writer / Counselor 

Work From Home Packages

Work at Home Packages at Aircrews Aviation Pvt Ltd 

Team Members :

Kajal Arora Masters in Media and Communication Studies
Fami Basumatary

Best Career Counselor in Jaipur BestInternationalEducation Career Counselling | Career Guidance | Career Planning

Rashmi Walwani Best Career Counselor in Udaipur BestInternationalEducation Career Counselling | Career Guidance | Career Planning

Shivangi Sharma

Trisha Karmakar 

Sumana Ganguly 

Shama Praveen 

Achintt Kaur

Order a Book 

Amrita Ghosh Bhowmik 

Mili Chakravarty, Best Career Counsellor in Bhopal

Position :: _________________

1. Full Name-----------------

2. Date of Birth----------------

3. City -------------------

4. Sex --------------

5. Educational Qualification  --------------

6. Expected Daily Time -------------------- 

7. Email        : 

8. WhatsApp : 

See more here ....  

Email :
Visit us :

Think Out of the Box 

Pilot's Career GuideStep by Step Learn How to Become an International Airline Pilot

Author Name: Capt Shekhar Gupta 



Dynamic Woman Entrepreneur Who Plays with 

Woman Entrepreneurs are among the most Dynamic Drivers of Global Economic Growth, and women are laying claim to the role in greater numbers 

Women's Entrepreneurship Day, we bring to you the Journeys of some of these Dynamic Indian women, who have set benchmarks in their


Young, Dynamic Woman Entrepreneur with  Solid Life Goals  

A  Young and Dynamic Entrepreneur 

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Hello all  Female StartUps,
Wanna get featured in  ? 
Are you aggregating a service  ? 
Say Cabs, Classes, SEO, App, laundry, or salon, or bakery, or household service providers such as plumbers, housemaids, or groceries ? 
Drop in your  Facebook link and basic details in my inbox. 

Interns has been Selected for Different Profile

Following Interns has been Selected for Different Profiles with us.