, pub-6370463716499017, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 AlfaBloggers Best Bloggers Team Of Asia : January 2015

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Happy Holidays

I thank God for the gift of wonderful friends 
and family… Most of them continue to inspire 
me and encourage me....

So this message goes to all my friends and family, saying….
Thank you so much for being there in my life…

I wish to all of you and your lovely family 
Very Happy, Healthy and Peaceful Year 2015

To my Customers, Business Associates, Colleagues, 
and Friends, who has made this Year So Successful, 

I extend My Warmest Wishes for the Holiday Season and a Prosperous Successful and Peaceful New Year. 

As we move into year 2015, I look Forward to Connecting and Partnersing for Continuing Success. 


Happy Holidays!

Friday, 9 January 2015

An Aviator means an Ordinary Person With an Extra Ordinary Hobby and Passion

I Think it is a Pity to Lose 
The Most Romantic Side of Flying 
and Simply to Accept it as 
a Common Means of Transport
An Aviator means an Ordinary Person
With an Extra Ordinary Hobby and Passion

The Desire to Fly is an Idea Born in Chieldhood

The Desire to Fly is an Idea Born in Chieldhood
Looked enviously on the Birds Soaring Freely 
Through Space, 
At Full Speed, Above all Obstacles, 
On the Infinite Highway of the Up 

We are both The Problem and The Solution

It’s not just about Winning, 
Rather it is about sending the 
Clear Message that We Want Change. 
And we First have to make 
the change Ourselves
We are both The Problem 
and The Solution