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Tuesday 30 June 2020

Alfa Career Guidance Team


“A Team Passionate about helping students find the right Career”

We are driven by our mission to help individuals discover a greater clarity of purpose and a flourishing drive of passion on whatever they go on to do with their lives. From increasing access to effective career development solutions for those who don’t have it, to guiding and developing those who do, we inspire the future workforce. Through the products, services and insights we deliver as an organization, we are helping individuals to become the best version of themselves.
Our Approach to Career Development :
·       Career decisions should be based on scientific assessments and an equally structured and scientifically curated post-assessment counselling mechanism.
·       Suitability of a particular career might also depend on aspects like socio-economic scenario, cultural and faith related factors, inherent talents etc., rather than just a person’s psychometric make-up.
·       In the career assessment and planning process, a blend of both quantitative and qualitative methods should be used.
·       Participant-driven learning and decision making: Importance is given to strengthening the career selector’s abilities and skills to take responsibility for career development.
·       The role of the career guidance practitioner is to guide and create an environment for career discovery.
·       Comprehensive resources and advanced tools for career planning and development: An exhaustive career library framework and various other tools that make the process easier, effortless and also accessible to larger sections of society.

Personalized holistic and career guidance :
In our country, we don’t have a culture of systematic career guidance and hence most students are not receiving any career planning related help at all. And even for the small section of students who are fortunate enough to receive a little, they do get it from incompetent sources or through group sessions where there is no scope to afford any importance to the specific problems that each student faces.
We believe that our country deserves much better in a very important field like career guidance which has a direct impact on how its future generations would shape up. 

What makes our mechanism work is its holistic approach which is not just limited to psychometric traits but takes into consideration multiple other factors that are important in an individual’s career development process. These factors include their socio-economic background, past academic performance, leadership and other organisational skills, talents in specific fields, religious and cultural background and also the parent’s perspective about the individual.

Resources :
In the sea of content that the internet represents, people find it very challenging to obtain quality information about something as dynamic as career fields. Many a time, filtering out what is exactly needed becomes impossible as the information available is either below par in terms of quality or is completely spread and unorganised.

Having sensed the immense amount of value it can provide to young students if such quality information is made available to them at the right time, we took it upon us to make clear provisions in our mechanism that cater to this very important problem. Through our mechanism, each individual is offered a well-defined set of resources that is not just limited to quality career information but is a multidimensional mix of various online and offline solutions that help them with their unique aspirations and requirements.

A team is defined by innovation and passion :
The place, where some of the best brains of the country are indulged in many exciting discussions about the most path-breaking ideas, offered the perfect backdrop for a bunch of like-minded and passionate individuals to bond over a shared dream. We had gone on to work together and involve in various social causes aimed at alleviating the disparities in the economic strata of the communities around the campus.
These enlightening experiences helped us realize that the root cause of all the pervasive socio-economic variance in India is the lack of a professionally structured and effective education methodology that is inclusive of everyone. And the dream was born, the dream of a bright future where everyone is able to achieve their full potential breaking through all societal barriers and other impediments.

Our Career Counselling Services :
We offer customized career counselling and guidance services to students based on their specific needs. Ranging from technology enabled information access only, to human-led professional career counselling, our offerings include college application and scholarship guidance as well

Who Can Benefit from our Career Guidance Services?
From individual students to their parents, private schools, and corporate CSRs to nonprofits, has its services out for even the governments to benefit.

We all believe that Career is an important aspect of our lives. And why shouldn’t we? After all, our career is an amalgamation of what we aspire to do and what we can do, with a major dose of opportunities and the right decisions taken at the right time.
Here comes a major question – How to know what we want to do, when we want to do it and how to make the best of it? It is at such times that we should resort to external advice which is backed up by science and experience. This valuable advice and guidance is called Career Counselling
Importance of Career Counselling:
Career Counselling is a branch of Social Science which involves an acute understanding of human psychology and job role requirements. It is the art of assisting individuals to align their interests with a potential career goal and make the best of their inherent talent. Career counsellors are also called employment advisors. They help individuals to either start their careers or to change their careers. The counsellors adapt to various techniques to identify an individual’s expertise, goals, inherent talent, education level, and personality and later find the right career opportunity for that individual. 
Launching a Career Counselling start-up in India seems rewarding and lucrative to budding entrepreneurs as it helps individuals find their calling and create something worthwhile from their careers. This boosts the self-actualization of the individuals who excel in their careers and become a responsible citizen. Hence Career Counselling indirectly helps the society and the nation to grow at large. This makes a Career Counselling start-up a Noble business.
Career Counselling is essential because of the following reasons:
·       More dynamic job opportunities
·       The ever-growing competition in the job market
·       Tedious admission and entrance process
·       Understanding the various inherent talents of an individual
·       Guidance to receive proper finance for further education
·       Ambiguity in choosing the right career channels
Scope for Career Counselling start-ups in India:
With the increasing ambiguity of choosing the right career, the need for career counselling is also on the rise. This has created a new gap in the market for budding entrepreneurs, especially in a country like India. Following are some of the key reasons –
1.    Tremendous Market Scope – India needs a whooping 1.4 million career counsellors to maintain a globally accepted student-to-counsellor ratio. This provides a wide scope for budding entrepreneurs to enter this market and serve this grave need of the hour.
2.    Booming Market Share – The market size for career assessment and guidance is currently estimated at over Rs 5,000 crore in India and continuously growing. This means that there is an inherent advantage of gaining profitability from this booming sector and also serves a relatively untouched market.
3.    Lean Investment Business Model – Setting up a Career Counselling venture requires minimal investment. With the right certification and setting up an efficient platform, career counselling business can be started from any part of the country and can serve any customer in the world.

How to set-up a Career Counselling start-up in India?
With the right knowledge and mentorship, it is quite possible to set up your own Career Counselling start-up in India. The Start-ups can have the following business models:
·       Online Counselling Website and Sessions: These businesses provide all the necessary information regarding career counselling on online portals and websites
·       Tuition Facilities for Entrance Exam preparation: Some businesses provide regular tuition and tutorials to excel various entrance exams, skillsets which are necessary to venture into certain careers

·       Physical Counselling Centre for all related services: These companies provide in-person counselling to individuals with the help of expert counsellors with necessary certifications.

To make the career counselling setup easier, the Super Counsellor program offers the best benefits.
How Super Counsellor program helps the counsellor to start their own counselling setup:
Super Counsellor is India’s first incubator for Career Counselling Start-ups. It provides solutions to those who are looking to set up their own career counselling business and career guidance venture. It assists entrepreneurs who are looking forward to starting their own venture in the future by providing the following benefits:

1.    Technological support
2.    International certification from UCLA Extension
3.    Expert Guidance on setting up a career counselling business
4.    Branding of the business
5.    Assistance and support
6.    Regularly updated information on guidance and counselling 

And much more..,

Why Super Counsellor is the best program for you for setting up a career counselling venture?
·       No franchise fee involved
·       No royalty involved
·       Constant up-gradation of career guidance news and course options
·       No restriction of operation. You can operate from any geographical location

Career counselling businesses in India have a huge scope. They have potential demand in the market in the form of students, schools, parents, organizations, and individuals looking for guidance in some form or the other. Entrepreneurs can leverage the technological know-how and business acumen with Super Counsellor to set up their own career counselling venture in India.

We appreciate your interest in the Alfa Career Guidance Team.

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