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Monday, 11 May 2020

India is doing better than other countries in fight against coronavirus pandemic

India is doing better than other countries in fight against coronavirus pandemic…

. “Resilience, hope and compassion are the need of the hour

·        India is in a much better position due to its holistic approach and quick decisions.

·        India may have paid a big economic price but there can be no alternative to saving human lives.

·        The latest innovations against the virus, the country's military Electronics and Mechanical Engineering (EME) Corps developed a quadcopter fitted with up to five liters (1.3 gallons) of disinfectants that can sanitize an area the size of a football field in less than five minutes.

·        Rich, poor, middle-class, men or women, there are people who have set an example for the rest of us, showing how social distancing doesn’t mean emotional distancing. That care and compassion become a necessity when the going gets tough because, at the end of the day, that is what truly makes us human. Here are some true warriors:

1.     Nashik farmer donates harvest: Datta Ram Patil, a small farmer from Nashik is donating one-third of the wheat harvested from his three-acre land to the needy. “I am a small farmer. We’re not financially stable, but if we have 1 chapatti then we can give half to others who are in dire need,” he told ANI

2.     Care mongering community: Various caremongering communities, providing emotional support and physical support have sprouted up across social media. In Bengaluru, Mahita Nagaraj has started Caremongers India, under which volunteers are providing medicines and grocery to senior citizens. In Gurgaon, a woman has offered to cook meals for elderlies who are living on their own. Anita Hirani is offering free meals to anyone stuck in Bandra without food.


·        Evacuation pods: The Indian Navy has also developed an air evacuation pod for coronavirus patients that keep keeps pilots and other passengers safe from infection. "The pod is made of aluminum and weighs 32 kilograms [70.5 pounds]. It costs $650, while the international pods cost $76,832. Thus, less than 1% cost” Five Indian states that are proactively coming up with innovative solutions to contain the deadly virus:

1.     Kerala: They have been able to control the situation well because of certain measures they took immediately, extensive testing of symptomatic cases, followed by a painstaking contact-tracing process and the publishing the route map of an infected person they also released the GoK Direct app to check the spread of fake information. Furthermore, an initiative called the Corona Safe Network has been created, with two major components: the Corona Literacy Mission and the Corona Care Centre to create awareness on COVID-19 and for converting educational institutions into hospitals to offset for shortages.

2.     Odisha: Every district of Odisha will have exclusive covid-19 hospitals. It will provide free medical treatments to all covid-19 patients. The state’s Mission Shakti Self Help Group (SHGs) are making masks in bulk to avoid any shortage , they are also running panchayat –level kitchen centers to cook meals for those in need. The government further paid out advance social pension for four months to around 2.8 million beneficiaries.

3.     Maharashtra:  It currently leads the chart with the number of COVID-19 positive cases. The state is using data analytics, drones and traditional patrolling methods to survey crowded places.

4.     Rajasthan: Bhilwara model followed by the state helped them overcome the crisis. It went into full lockdown backed with curfew and the entire population went into health screening.  They also delivered essentials to the households according to the data collected by them. This model is receiving praise from the entire country.

5.     Uttar Pradesh: It established laboratories to test the sars-cov-2 pathogen immediately after the first positive case was reported. The government is already working to boost the manufacturing units of PPE, N95 masks, triple- layer masks, thermal analyzers, ventilators and other equipment. The state administration is making sure tp provide food to all with the help pf two platforms- Annapurna and Supply Mitra . People with old-age or disability pensions will be given two months’ advance.

·        Everyone is in the same boat, everyone is down-sizing, everyone is trying to stay afloat, and everyone is re-inventing, re-structuring, and re-organizing. Marketing strategies, websites, and social media pages are being recreated and the focus on content creation has increased. Everyone is preparing for the “new normal”. 

Ankita Suvarna [MBA HR]
Manager-HR [Internship InCharge]
Aircrew Aviation Pvt Ltd.

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