Alfa Bizz Corp
This is the most innovative idea which has been launched in a with Nidhi Jain and association. You must be wondering what is that different that and creative thing that this organization has? An answer for that question is here, We have come up with this business concept in order to provide an opportunity to the women out there and encourage them to be more independent and strong and giving a golden chance to showcase their wonderful skills that must have been suppressed due to many reasons. The added advantage if you get tied up with our company is that you can actually earn from two places that are maybe your current job and after that, you can come home and start working on this as well. You are getting two way benefitted.
Here in Alfa Bizz Corp, you get a chance to develop a new skill though you could be from any society or any other field of interest. We have hired from pilots to a very basic maid and empowering them in the order they can have an individual life ahead. Our primary concern is to develop each and every nook corner which we have and make our people develop along with it. As we are the most diversified like we are under blogging, aviation, cabs, career counseling, app development, web development the list keeps on going. A place where every individual gets a chance to shine from the rest and whichever field of interest they may be, this could be best opportunity to grab.
Our mission is to Empower those Smart and Tech Savvy Females or Smart Moms those who want to explore more opportunities and earn through a secondary source of income in the easiest and most conventional way. These start-ups brings many easy and exploring ways to earn smartly, including work from home and part-time , for those women who are looking to start or restart working after a break.
Our vision is to showcase their talents to the world and remind their potentials of how they can be an independent and successful. For example if we take we have recently come up with hiring maids from surroundings and gave them a desktops and also provided them the training of basic working and to our surprise the results have come better than we have expected, individuals do have talent all we have to do is search for them and make them shine bright, just like how diamonds shine.
This startup increases your productivity through social media, You can easily monetize through your Social Media and you get a very good platform on your social media. We believe you must be having such women in your family or friend circle who were very keen to work but couldn't start or continue with work life due to family commitments or other reasons. We request your help in letting them know about this initiative and how can it help them and how this startup can pave their dreams for their careers and hidden talent also. In this startup, females can explore their careers on global Platform as well.
Out of the box, don’t you think that you would like to be someone who is not the same as others? Being the same and normal is what all people do. But being different and trying to prove that that difference is something which people would think why didn’t I think like that. When you are successful doing this you have achieved something big. Like for example, all woman want to pursue their jobs and work like how men do only a few get a chance to actually work in an office but you can actually do the same sitting at home and be earning the same as the people who are working from an office. Work from home is the best idea for the woman at home and wants to do something for herself, we have a woman in our organization who has completed her studies got married an now doing a part of our social media marketing team. You also have the opportunity of being a part of us.
A smart mom can become an Entrepreneur which could be her dream ever since or a person from remote area wants to be independent and learn new things and now she can finally avail this golden opportunity. One can have their flexible working hours and be productive as much as possible. Are you or any woman in your network looking to start or restart a career after a long gap? Here's an amazing News! Alfa group has launched a unique initiative "Alfa Bizz Corp for Women" which brings many "work from Home" options for such women.
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