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Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Mistakes to be Avoided To Become a Freelance Writer By Disha Maurya

Mistakes to be Avoided   To Become  a Freelance Writer

By Disha Maurya

#You're Not Ablee to Think Out of the Box

#Not Offering Enough as a Freelancer

#You Haven't Defined Your Writing Niche 

#You're Undercharging Your Clients 

#You've Set Your Rate Too Low / High 

#You're Selling Yourself Short 

#Not Listing Your Abilities and Knowledge 

#You're Difficult to Work With

#You're Not Offering Enough as a Freelancer

It is very obvious to make mistakes at the

beginning of any career or industry. After all, 

we are not born experts. But not realizing your

mistakes and repeating them can cause you

huge trouble. 

Same in the case of content writing, at first

content writing, may seem a really effortless

and handy freelance career but this simple

thing has many little loopholes that can bring

hurdles at the beginning of your career stage.

I also made some mistakes which I learned

later. Here are some mistakes that I will

suggest avoiding while writing. 

Mistakes to be avoided in freelance content


You think that content writing is only about

writing from reference – If you are following

this mindset then you are definitely going the

wrong way. Before writing you have to

understand the main motive of the content,

the psychology of the reader, and what will

make them take action after reading your blog. 

You don’t pay attention to proofreading and

editing – This is the biggest mistake ever done

by a writer even by professionals. Don’t make

these mistakes. Before publishing the blog or

submitting it to the client, do proofread and

edit the blog according to the audience. This

will help the writer to deliver a crisp and

precise piece of content to their audience. 

You don’t cross-check the facts

– Not researching may cause big trouble for

you. Due to tight deadlines, sometimes new

writers rewrite the highest-ranking blog from

google and do not cross-check the data and

facts mentioned in that blog. This may bring

some questions from the readers. Thus,

research well before putting any facts or stats

on the internet. 

Content writing is all about practicing your

writing skills and avoiding silly mistakes.

Making mistakes is very obvious, one can do

this even after writing for 10 years but

repeating the same mistake, again and again,

is not acceptable at any chance. 

Disha Maurya

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