, pub-6370463716499017, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 AlfaBloggers Best Bloggers Team Of Asia : 7 Incredible ways to Promote you Blog – Here is how !

Monday, 10 July 2017

7 Incredible ways to Promote you Blog – Here is how !

                                                                                                                                        Blog By Reema Singhal  

7  Incredible ways to Promote you Blog – Here is how !
Blogging is not just all-about the good content creation, it is also about using correct techniques to let this content go viral among its audience. Research shows that more than 90% of blogs not able to generate readers due to lack of promotional skills. So, here are the 7 incredible ways to promote you blog, that too free : 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a vital role
In success of every Blog, not just the good content, SEO equally plays a significant role in listing your blogs over top searches. Perfect ‘keywords’ placement is the key to develop an SEO-friendly article. Keywords are basically those repeated words or the sentences that are used by the users over different search engines to extract the relevant information.

Keep the article count up !

A research revealed that a business publishing 15-16 blogs a month attracts as 3-4 times more than the traffic usually secured by a business publishing 0-5 blogs a month. As the readers are the only key to success for any blog, content frequency needed to be updated frequently to  increase the traffic to your blog.

Generate the Traffic Quickly with Guest Blog  :
Go for the blogs that you find is drawing huge traffic in your niche and try to post some of your articles as guest writers over there. As these blogs allow you to add you bio, so you may also provide the link of your blogs to capture more traffic for your blogs as well.articles,

Keep your Email List going

Emailing is one of the effective ways to bring more traffic to your blogs. The readers who have already read your previous blog, if you inform then via email about your upcoming or latest articles, it will turn out an effective means of generating huge traffic. SumoMe plugin and Constant contact are some of email management tools that can help you out for that matter!

Longer the article, better it is

Not just the reader looks out for comprehensive information even the Google as well as other search engines also top the blog which have relatively more content. A research was conducted over 1 million articles which highlighted the fact that the articles with the word-length between 3000 – 10000 has 2-3 times more shares than the articles on the same niche containing less than 1000 words.

Make Social share buttons a part of your Blog

Social sharing platforms as Facebook, Twitter etc can give a mass-spread to your article thus generating more traffic to your Blog. It is highly recommended to add social share buttons of various renowned social sites so that when an article is appreciated by any of its readers, it can be instantly shared over these platforms.

Responding actively over other’s Blogs
Follow the highly authoritative blogs in your niche and try to comment sensibly over it. It will not only bring attention to your profile, readers shall be more interested in your work gradually. In a way, it is an effective means of directing a huge traffic over your blog. You may also be invited as guest blogger over these famous blogs as well.
So, these are some of the simple yet effective means of turning generating good traffic over your blog.

Happy Blogging Guys  !

Travel Blogger  

 अमेरिका मे; 
"युवा सरकार चलाते हैं और
 बूढ़ों को पेंशन देते हैं,"
भारत में,
" बूढ़े सरकार चलाते हैं और
 युवाओं को टेंशन देते हैं।"
इस देश का तो नसीब ही खराब है..

पिछला प्रधानमंत्री 🔇साइलेंट मोड पर रहता था, 

और ये वाला ✈ फ्लाइट मोड पर रहता है ।।।।।।। 


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