Animation is magic. Yes, animation is more than just creating interesting illusions, and in Wings of Imagination we take all our efforts and creativity to a new level. We firmly believe that there are new ways of imagining the universe and putting them into the world of animation to share.
For 3D animation samples, please visit our sister concern, IQ Animation Studio. On that site you can find our 3D animation works. We specialize in character animation, technical animation, medical animation, commercial animation, product visualization, 3D architectural walkthrough and commercial animation.
Deep inside the image is the desire to invent, create and tell stories in such a way as to bring that particular animation story to life.
Wings of Imagination is an animation and production company operating out of studios across India. We have the experience of animation techniques to stop the motion and many other things from old traditional 2D animation to new 3D animation. We design the project that our client envisions and always bring something new and interesting to them.
Wings of Imagination animated videos are beautifully designed to bring your unique business idea to life in a creative way that you and your customers will love.
No matter how complex or technical this idea is, it is our responsibility to express it through an engaging animated video.
- We are a family of animator designers and developers who have the same curve of mental frequency and opinion, and believe in teamwork and unity.
- Our advertising agency is a creative thought center, ready to serve our client with our ideas, creation and execution of concepts.
If you are looking for quality video production services to create an engaging and creative animated video, then you are in a right place.
We are passionate about creating high quality effective 2D / 3D animation videos, lecturer videos, advertising videos and many more for various categories.
Our aim is to tell your story or showcase your product or business services ideas in a creative and engaging visual way through video animation.
As a video production company, we understand the requirements to design to produce quality videos to meet all business needs and how video can differentiate your business or start-up company and increase your sales Can help
Develop your leadership and management skills to establish a
vision, support your staff and make meaningful change in
your organization.
The Certificate in Leadership and Management (CLM) is a Ten
week course to be conducted online for 1 hour everySunday.
What you'll learn
Analyze theoretical concepts and best practices relatingto
Articulate insights into strategic management theory and
Evaluate your leadership strengths andidentify
opportunities for growth.
Develop a personal leadership philosophy and vision.
This course is part of a Professional Certificate
Bridging the fields of business and education, CLM integrates expertise in managing teams and organizations with best practices in Organization and instructional leadership, to
provide leaders with frameworks, skills, and knowledge to effectively lead and drive change improvement in Organization.
Participant Experience:
Watch virtual case studies featuring leaders from India, US and UK, and analyze the leaders’ experiences, insights, and best practices.
Engage in interactive activities to learn and network with a diverse group of participants.
Learn in a flexible, online platform that creates a powerful peer-to-peer learning experience adapted to fit Organization leaders’ busy schedules
Course activities are both rigorous and flexible.
The course learning format allows participants to choose
when within a given week they complete an assignment,
while engaging with specific content and projects during
designated time periods.
Participants will be able to download course materials including key takeaways at every week.
Who Should Participate?
Those who are already responsible for the management of
organizations as well as those aspiring to be heads of
organizations would be benefited by this programme.
The minimum academic qualification required for being
eligible for this programme is graduation in anydiscipline.
How will this programme help you in your career?
For any individual aspiring to become the head of a
Organization, or for those already holding the post,
possession of this Certificate would be helpful in
professional development.
Programme Objectives
The objectives of the programme are as follows:
i. To develop essential skills, competencies andvalues needed for effective Organization leadership and management.
ii. To enable heads to create an effectiveand
enabling environment.
iii. To improve the overall performance of the
iv. To develop a trained and competent cadre of head
Eligibility for Enrolment – Graduate
Fee – 4,000/- (INR)
Medium of Instruction – The medium of instruction is English
i.e., this programme is at present offered in English medium.
Program Structure
Sr.No No. Of Week Course Code Title of the course Type of Course
1 Week 1& 2 CLM01 Rectors as Leaders
2 Week 3 & 4 CSLM02 Develop the Human Resources
3 Week 5 & 6 CSLM03 Managing daily affairs
4 Week 7 & 8 CSLM04 Leadership for Better Organizations
5 Week 9& 10 Recapitulation and Assessment
Brief of each course:
CLM01: Rectors as Leaders
This course aims at imparting competencies and skills to rectors/head /aspiring to be heads to enable them to bring about the desired changes in the core characteristics of an organization.
CLM02: Develop the Human Resources
For any organization to function effectively it needs people. This course underlines the
importance of human resource development in the effective functioning of an organization.
CLM03: Managing Daily affairs
This course deals with principles of effective management of the most important activity of an organization, i.e. daily affairs by the head of the organization.
CLM04: Leadership for Better Organizations
This course focuses on organization improvement as a holistic process of planned change and improvement aligned with the vision and mission of the Organization.
Assessment : Online during 5th week
II. Interpersonal and Intrapersonal CommunicationSkills:
Duration 2 hours – (Two classes of 1 hour each)
Fee: 800/-
What you’ll learn:
a. Being able to communicate effectively is the most important of all life skills. It
enables us to pass information to other people and understand what is said to
us. Communication skills may take a lifetime to master, if someone can claim to
have mastered them. However, you can easily accomplish many things to
improve communication skills and ensure that you can effectively transmit and
receive information.
b. Understanding yourself and your emotions. ...
Empathy and understanding others. ...
Good analytical skills. ...
Improved decision-making skills.
III. Team Morale Building and perseverance skills
Duration 2 hours – (Two classes of 1 houreach)
Fee: 800/-
What you’ll learn:
a. Morale building is the process of transforming a group of contributing
employees into a cohesive team-a group of people organize and worktogether
to meet customer needs by achieving their goals and objectives. Morale
building creates stronger connections between team members. Each member
respects each other, respects each other, and shares common goals and
b. Pursuing high goals and developing an ability to deal with setbacks and failure
on the way. How to persist and overcome a set of obstacles including physical
barriers, criticism, and discouragement.
IV. Learning Work ethics with Negotiation skills and ConflictManagement
Duration 2 hours – (Two classes of 1 hour each)
Fee: 800/-
What you’ll learn:
a. Good professional ethics is an important part of your career success. Professional
ethics is a set of values based on the ideals of discipline and hard work. Establishing a
strong work ethic will enable a person to train himself so that hard work is almost
automatic. Develop good habits, such as focus, stay motivated, complete tasks
immediately, etc., which will help establish good professional ethics and thus impress
b. Negotiation is a way for people to resolve differences. The process of reaching a
compromise or reaching agreement while avoiding disputes and disputes. You can
learn negotiation skills and apply them to a wide range of activities. Negotiation skills
can be very useful in resolving any differences between you and others.
c. The goal of workplace professionals should not be to avoid conflicts, but to resolve
conflicts in an effective way. Employees with strong conflict resolution skills can
effectively deal with workplace issues. Individuals who handle conflict in a respectful,
optimistic way create the chance for growth and learning within an organization.
V. Importance of Continuous Upgrading and building a positive attitude
Duration 2 hours – (Two classes of 1 hour each)
Fee: 800/-
What you’ll learn:
a. This is a powerful force that operates behind the scenes of the most successful
company in the world. Every day, it promotes evolution and innovation. It is a process
of continuous improvement, which is essential for long-term business success.
b. A positive attitude-optimism, expectation and enthusiasm-makes everything in business easy. When you are depressed, a positive attitude will help you, and when you have "rolled", a positive attitude will helpyou.
VI. SWOT analysis
Duration 2 hours – (Two classes of 1 hour each)
Fee: 800/-
What you’ll learn:
a. SWOT analysis (or SWOT matrix) is a strategic planning technique used to help individuals or organizations identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to business
competition or project plans. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
Threats. You can use SWOT Analysis to make full use of existing resources to maximize the
advantages of your organization. By understanding what you are missing and eliminating dangers that may make you unconscious, you can reduce your chances of failure..
VII. Stress and anger management
Duration 2 hours – (Two classes of 1 hour each)
Fee: 800/-
What you’ll learn:
a. Anger management and stress management work in a similar way. One of the reasons
is because anger and stress have a psychological component, so they can be controlled
psychologically. Both emotions can affect us in very negative ways, mainly if they are
not controlled, which is why it is essential to understand the relationship between them.
Preeti Pasricha
Founder and CEO - EYES Enlighten Yourself Every Session
Advertising Film Makers in Indore Wings Of Imagination Ad Film Production
Ad Films has always been the most effective when it comes to taking the Viewers attention. Wings Of Imagination Ad Film Production which is a best Ad Film Agency in Indore offer commercial & professional ad film amenities that you will need to represent your company in a considerate, imaginative & convincing manner. Our Ad Films have found to be intensely influencing the consumers allowing them to change their buying perceptions. Ad Films assistance promote a brand, a company, a business by bringing products or services, ideas to the attention of clients in the most effective and in a attractive way. Our Ad Filmmakers work closely with our customers to understand their wants and then deliver the best results. We have facilitated numerous customers from different industries to attract and capture their target viewers. Our Ad film making includes everything such as script writing, storyboard concepts, editing, filming, post production situations to releasing and marketing & so on.
Eumaxindia has produced numerous commercial ad films that snapped with the viewer’s leaving a deep impression on them; while on the additional the commercial ads pushed up the sales of the products in question. With our ad films you can shape a brand image for your comparatively unknown products and boost up your products image as well as capture new clients. You can additional widen and expand your customer-loyalty base with our exclusive effective ad films. Eumaxindia has carved a niche in the world of Ad film making with its style of innovative presentation, engaging content, striking visuals and the overall presentation striking the right notes with the clients.
When you are in want of the best Ad Film Agency in India to current your ideas, you do not have to look elsewhere as Eumaxindia is nigh to you. We sponsor your products, businesses or services through our effective ad films that leave a permanent impact on your aim audiences. Rest assured you can simply focus on other facets of your business.
#Presentation Video,
#Explainer Video,
#Product Photography,
#Model Photography,
#Catalog Shoot,
#Logo Design,
#Logo Animation,
#All types of Design Work,
Best Ad Film Production House in Indore, MP Wings of Imagination