, pub-6370463716499017, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 AlfaBloggers Best Bloggers Team Of Asia

Friday, 28 July 2017

Sana Tiwari

Sana Tiwari from Jaipur. I am a content writing freelancer who looks forward to writing many blogs in different niches. I love exploring words and sentences that make a lot of difference. I have completed B. Tech in Stream of  Electronics and Communication with 69%. The reason why I chose B. Tech was to become an  Engineer and acknowledge  Technical things and acquired it a lot. But I  love to write Blogs and articles more as this is my childhood passion. I am confident to write in all niches with my utmost knowledge and serve my best service. Writing is something which I like to do for my entire life as this is the way through which one can express the feeling. I usually don't speak much so I  prefer writing all my emotions and feelings. If given a chance I will write Blogs on topics provided by our company Alfa Bloggers. I will try my level best to keep you content with my work. I am looking for a long time relationship with our company Alfa Bloggers.


Sumana Ganguly

Sumana Ganguly 
Sumana has over 6 years of experience in the Digital Marketing & Content Writing Industry, developing content for clients from various domains across the world. As a Passionate Blogger, she loves writing about travels, fashion, and lifestyle. Travelling gives her opportunity to explore and experience new things while writing down her travel stories gives her the pleasure of making people see through her words. She is particularly keen on sharing Travel Stories, Tips and Information based in South East Asia. 

As a Master’s in English from Presidency College, Kolkata, she looks forward to creating magic with words and developing unique, informative and insightful content.

 Sumana Ganguly


#TopIndianTravel Bloggers,

#writerscommunity #writercommunity #writersofinstagram #writing#wordgasm #wordporn #wordart #wordswithqueens #word #poetry #poet#poems #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #poemsporn#poemsofinstagram #creativewriting #creativewriter 
#quote #quotes #comment #comments #TFLers #tweegram#quoteoftheday #song #funny #life #instagood #love #photooftheday #igers #instagramhub #tbt #instadaily #true #instamood #nofilter #word

Rainy Sarmistha

Rainy Sarmistha hails from the temple city Orissa. She is a graduate of History Hons(Distinction), 3 years diploma in hotel management. She has pursued her career as an hotelier from Hyatt Regency Delhi for 7 years as Asst. Manager H/K. Her passion for writing brings her to the writing platform. Her various poems are published in esteemed anthology, e-magazine, world peace book internationally and nationally. 

Now she is working as a content writer and associated with various companies. She believes in the universe, she loves rain, thunder, wood and the beautiful nature. 

#writerscommunity #writercommunity #writersofinstagram #writing #wordgasm #wordporn #wordart #wordswithqueens #word #poetry #poet #poems #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #poemsporn #poemsofinstagram #creativewriting #creativewriter 
#quote #quotes #comment #comments #TFLers #tweegram #quoteoftheday #song #funny #life #instagood #love #photooftheday #igers #instagramhub #tbt #instadaily #true #instamood #nofilter #word

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Madhurima Dutta

A cultural purist at heart, Traveling has been Madhurima's passion for a long time now. Originally a student of Economics, she also took up hands-on courses in Digital Marketing to develop the ability to market her own writing. Like many others, she loves exploring new places, delving into the unknown and experiencing the adventures that this world has to offer us.
However, what inspires her to travel is more than just the astounding beauty of nature. It's about understanding the people, their culture, their experiences, their habits and appreciating the differences. It's about learning something new every day and really making each & every moment count. It's about enjoying the adrenaline rush and also finding peace.
Through her writings, she shall try to take the reader on a journey to see the world through her eyes. She shall attempt to make the reader feel at least 1% of what she felt during her journey. 
She hopes to continue to throw herself among unknown places and cultures and discover wonderful things along the way. She sincerely hopes to touch billions of hearts through her writing.
She is always happy to connect for a chat and here are the details: 

Madhurima Dutta

WhatsApp No : +65 90147243

Twitter :N/A

Friday, 21 July 2017

Purvi Tibrewala

Purvi Tibrewala   Social Media Bluez

Purvi Tibrewala ( Social Media Bluez )  Is a mother of two Amazing kids. She is passionate about doing things differently. She believe that “You can Love Social Media or you can Hate it….but surely you can’t IGNORE it”. So she wants to make people aware of Social Media. Its pros, cons, how to use and being safe online. Her workshops are for people who find computer and technology too confusing to understand. Also for young mothers who wants to understand the online safety, for their children (kids to teen). She also manages social media for people. She loves to create/write contents for the blogs. She is a freelancer and has completed the Google certification- DigitalUnlocked. She love to doodle, Zentangle, Paint, Cook, Travel, Socialize, keep herself and her family Fit and is a big time Fashionista.

Purvi Tibrewala   Social Media Bluez

Carbide Bananas Hoax

केले खाने से पहले बरतें सावधानी

केले खाते समय सावधान
30/- से 40/- रु दर्जन इस दर से मृत्यु बेची जा रही है. सबसे विनती है कि सावधान रहें .

हम सभी केले पसंद करते हैं और इनका भरपूर स्वाद उठाते हैं परंतु अभी बाज़ार में आने वाले केले  कार्बाइडयुक्त पानी में भिगाकर पकाए जा रहे हैं , इस प्रकार के केले खाने से 100% कॅन्सर या पेट का विकार हो सकता है.  इसलिए अपनी बुद्धि का इस्तेमाल करें और ऐसे केले ना खाएँ .

परंतु केले को कार्बाइड का उपयोग करके पकाया है इसे कैसे पहचानेंगे :-

यदि केले को प्राकृतिक तरीके से पकाया है तो उसका डंठल काला पड जाता है  और केले का रंग गर्द पीला हो जाता है . कृपया नीचे दिए फोटो को देखें साथ ही केले पर थोड़े बहुत काले दाग रहते हैं . परंतु यदि केले को कारबाइड का इस्तेमाल करके पकाया गया है तो उसका डंठल हरा होगा और केले का रंग लेमन यलो अर्थात नींबुई पीला होगा इतना ही नही ऐसे केले का रंग एकदम साफ पीला होता है उसमे कोई दाग धब्बे नहीं होते कृपया नीचे दिए फोटो को देखें.

कारबाइड आख़िर क्या है , यदि कारबाइड को पानी में मिलाएँगे तो उसमें से उष्मा (हीट) निकलती है और अस्यतेलएने गॅस का निर्माण होता है जिससे गाँव देहातों में गॅस कटिंग इत्यादि का काम लिया जाता है अर्थात इसमें इतनी कॅलॉरिफिक वॅल्यू होती है  की उससे एल पी गी गॅस को भी प्रतिस्थापित किया जा सकता है . जब किसी केले के गुच्छे को ऐसे केमिकल युक्त पानी में डुबाया जाता है तब उष्णता  केलों में उतरती है और केले पक जाते हैं , इस प्रक्रिया को उपयोग करने वाले व्यापारी इतने होशियार नहीं होते हैं कि उन्हें  पता हो की किस मात्रा के केलों के लिए कितने तादाद में इस केमिकल का उपयोग  करना है बल्कि वे इसका अनिर्बाध प्रयोग  करते हैं जिससे केलों में अतिरिक्त उष्णता का समावेश हो जाता है जो हमारे पेट में जाता है जिससे कि :-

1. पाचन्तन्त्र में खराबी आना शुरू हो जाती है , 2. आखों में जलन , 3. छाती में तकलीफ़ , 4. जी मिचलाना , 5. पेट दुखना , 6. गले मैं जलन , 7. अल्सर , 8. तदुपरांत ट्यूमर का निर्माण भी हो सकता है .

इसीलिए अनुरोध है की इस प्रकार के केलों का बहिष्कार किया जाए , इसी तरीके से आमों को भी पकाया जा रहा है परंतु जागरूकता से महाराष्ट्र में इस वर्ष लोगों ने कम आम खाए तब जा के आम के व्यापारियों की आखें खुली , अतः यदि कारबाइड से पके केलों और फलों का भी हम संपूर्ण रूप से बहिष्कार करेंगे तो ही हमें नैसर्गिक तरीके से पके स्वास्थ्यवर्धक केले और फल बेचने हेतु व्यापारी बाध्य होंगे अन्यथा हमारा स्वास्थ्य ख़तरे मैं है ये समझा जाए .


Capt Shekhar Gupta
WA +91 9111103800
PH  +919826008899

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