, pub-6370463716499017, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 AlfaBloggers Best Bloggers Team Of Asia : Pallavi Bose

Sunday, 31 December 2017

Pallavi Bose

Pallavi Bose is an MBA student who has her dreams and aspirations quite high. She passed out of her college in the year 2013 and since then she is involved in her full time job. But after working for some months she realized that in the regular 9-5 job the element of fun and excitement is missing. And that’s when she started reading blogs because she is an avid reader. Earlier during her childhood days she only used to read comic books but lately she shifted to novels and now she is an avid follower of Blogs which interests her. While reading she also shared that she wanted to contribute for blogs. She wanted to write and thus contribute her bit to the blogs she love reading.
And thus her passion for writing began. Many people believe that managing your life after 9-5 job is not easy. But Pallavi believes that’s not entirely true. If you have your heart and passion at right place then you can definitely manage your day to day affairs and take out time for something which you love. 
Pallavi hates staying idle in her life. She believes that she should always have some work in her life. She wants her mind to always move. She strongly believes that staying idle will not only be boring but will also not contribute to her mental and personality development. And thus she is always in look out for things which interests her.
On a final note, Pallavi wants to mention that this is the progressive stage of her life. And this is one of the most learning period of her life. She does not want to waste it by sitting idle and wants to invest it in building something of her own.
Lastly, Pallavi believes in “Every Moment is a fresh Beginning; so don’t waste your time in repenting about the last moment you lost”.

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