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Friday 21 July 2017

Purvi Tibrewala

Purvi Tibrewala   Social Media Bluez

Purvi Tibrewala ( Social Media Bluez )  Is a mother of two Amazing kids. She is passionate about doing things differently. She believe that “You can Love Social Media or you can Hate it….but surely you can’t IGNORE it”. So she wants to make people aware of Social Media. Its pros, cons, how to use and being safe online. Her workshops are for people who find computer and technology too confusing to understand. Also for young mothers who wants to understand the online safety, for their children (kids to teen). She also manages social media for people. She loves to create/write contents for the blogs. She is a freelancer and has completed the Google certification- DigitalUnlocked. She love to doodle, Zentangle, Paint, Cook, Travel, Socialize, keep herself and her family Fit and is a big time Fashionista.

Purvi Tibrewala   Social Media Bluez

Carbide Bananas Hoax

केले खाने से पहले बरतें सावधानी

केले खाते समय सावधान
30/- से 40/- रु दर्जन इस दर से मृत्यु बेची जा रही है. सबसे विनती है कि सावधान रहें .

हम सभी केले पसंद करते हैं और इनका भरपूर स्वाद उठाते हैं परंतु अभी बाज़ार में आने वाले केले  कार्बाइडयुक्त पानी में भिगाकर पकाए जा रहे हैं , इस प्रकार के केले खाने से 100% कॅन्सर या पेट का विकार हो सकता है.  इसलिए अपनी बुद्धि का इस्तेमाल करें और ऐसे केले ना खाएँ .

परंतु केले को कार्बाइड का उपयोग करके पकाया है इसे कैसे पहचानेंगे :-

यदि केले को प्राकृतिक तरीके से पकाया है तो उसका डंठल काला पड जाता है  और केले का रंग गर्द पीला हो जाता है . कृपया नीचे दिए फोटो को देखें साथ ही केले पर थोड़े बहुत काले दाग रहते हैं . परंतु यदि केले को कारबाइड का इस्तेमाल करके पकाया गया है तो उसका डंठल हरा होगा और केले का रंग लेमन यलो अर्थात नींबुई पीला होगा इतना ही नही ऐसे केले का रंग एकदम साफ पीला होता है उसमे कोई दाग धब्बे नहीं होते कृपया नीचे दिए फोटो को देखें.

कारबाइड आख़िर क्या है , यदि कारबाइड को पानी में मिलाएँगे तो उसमें से उष्मा (हीट) निकलती है और अस्यतेलएने गॅस का निर्माण होता है जिससे गाँव देहातों में गॅस कटिंग इत्यादि का काम लिया जाता है अर्थात इसमें इतनी कॅलॉरिफिक वॅल्यू होती है  की उससे एल पी गी गॅस को भी प्रतिस्थापित किया जा सकता है . जब किसी केले के गुच्छे को ऐसे केमिकल युक्त पानी में डुबाया जाता है तब उष्णता  केलों में उतरती है और केले पक जाते हैं , इस प्रक्रिया को उपयोग करने वाले व्यापारी इतने होशियार नहीं होते हैं कि उन्हें  पता हो की किस मात्रा के केलों के लिए कितने तादाद में इस केमिकल का उपयोग  करना है बल्कि वे इसका अनिर्बाध प्रयोग  करते हैं जिससे केलों में अतिरिक्त उष्णता का समावेश हो जाता है जो हमारे पेट में जाता है जिससे कि :-

1. पाचन्तन्त्र में खराबी आना शुरू हो जाती है , 2. आखों में जलन , 3. छाती में तकलीफ़ , 4. जी मिचलाना , 5. पेट दुखना , 6. गले मैं जलन , 7. अल्सर , 8. तदुपरांत ट्यूमर का निर्माण भी हो सकता है .

इसीलिए अनुरोध है की इस प्रकार के केलों का बहिष्कार किया जाए , इसी तरीके से आमों को भी पकाया जा रहा है परंतु जागरूकता से महाराष्ट्र में इस वर्ष लोगों ने कम आम खाए तब जा के आम के व्यापारियों की आखें खुली , अतः यदि कारबाइड से पके केलों और फलों का भी हम संपूर्ण रूप से बहिष्कार करेंगे तो ही हमें नैसर्गिक तरीके से पके स्वास्थ्यवर्धक केले और फल बेचने हेतु व्यापारी बाध्य होंगे अन्यथा हमारा स्वास्थ्य ख़तरे मैं है ये समझा जाए .


Capt Shekhar Gupta
WA +91 9111103800
PH  +919826008899

Carbide Bananas Hoax
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Tuesday 18 July 2017

Shama Praveen

                                                                                                                  Blog By : Ms.Nidhi Jain 
Shama  Praveen Best Travel Blogger of Asia Alfa Travel blog 

She is a gorgeous chaos, and you can see it in her eyes. This is Shama Perveen and as the name suggests she is a flare of warmth and Passion. She is born and bred in the capital of Food and fashion aka Delhi. She is currently managing in a Travel Agency in Delhi. She has completed her graduation in Travel and Tourism from Delhi. Her family consists of a loving father, a Mother that is always by her side and a cute younger brother. 

As being born in an atmosphere where grades are less relevant she quickly started revealing her talent in photography at a very young age. But it was traveling that made her see the world in a whole new way. She started going Solo trips at around the age of 18 and still loves it. She recounts traveling as a remembrance that brings happiness to her soul. She is always in the process of acquiring something new. She also knows 2 languages other than Hindi and English fluently which is French and Arabic. She is also a great speaker, achieved many academic awards during her high-school years. Her fluency in languages made her join as a content writer in an inbound travel agency; It was a perfect platform for her, she could write about traveling as well as her experiences (and well get paid for it). 
After a month she started making her own identity over social media with her own blogging page with now over 1,000+ subscribers and counting and goes by @travelwithshama.

Shama is going up and fast, with her skills she dreams to inspire people to travel more and make memories as life is too short to live in the same place.

Shama  Praveen Best Travel Blogger of Asia Alfa Travel blog 

Sunday 16 July 2017

Advertising Plans

Advertising Plans

An Invitation for Your Participation in the  Advertising Plans.

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* This Profile sould be Approximately 500 Words.
* Min Four - Five Picture to be placed in ach Blog Article.
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* One U R L Link 
* One Email Link
* Two Press Releases

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Nidhi Arora  [MBA]
Manager Mktg  
Phone / Mobile : [91]9971023639
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Google Talk : nidhi.8519()
Twitter : nidhi8519()


Amrita Ghosh Bhowmik

 This is Amrita Ghosh and she belongs to Delhi- the capital of India. She is currently pursuing her masters in technology in computer science. She has completed her Bachelors in Mathematics (H) and her first masters in Computer Application from West Bengal. She started her career as a software developer. But as a home tutor she felt the importance of educating children and decided to spread her technical knowledge to the tech students as a lecturer in Murshidabad College of Engineering & Technology. She continued her journey with Govindam Business School, New Delhi also. But it is always said that the childhood hunger never leaves your mind. This was the place, where she found back the opportunities to write different stories on multiple things as a freelance creative writer.
She joined as a content writer in an E-Commerce firm; it was to quench her thirst to learn about a new horizon. Gradually she became a team leader and joined a Healthcare start-up. Her diverse career interests brought her several opportunities to challenge her role. She started her own blogging site with two partners and dedicated her interests as a freelance content writer. This way, she found the prospects of writing on different topics including travel, food, fashion, healthcare, and much more where she could combine her thoughts and creativity into a solid output.

Amrita is also a hard-core foodie and loves to travel to different destinations. She wants to mix her experience with her write-ups and dreams to become an exclusive writer leaving some unique marks with her works.

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