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Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Good Phrases Unsuccessful People are Always Use

How  Good Phrases Unsuccessful People are Always Use

I Know so many UnSuccessful People.

All of them lives in a Bubble of Hopelessness.

One person I know is so unhappy and stuck that he seems to always be moving backward, not forward faltering so much in his Lack of Productivity that it's almost comical. Being around Unsuccessful People is never so much of Fun.

If You listen to folks who can't seem to push ahead in their Career or who have never Started a Company or led Large Groups of People, they all seem to mimic the same Speech Patterns. 
They all Talk the very Same Language. 

Here are some Good Phrases they Always Use. 

Spot this Negative Talk in others (or in YourSelf), and you will find the wrench in Your Business  Growth.

1. That's Not Possible [ Impossible] 

The most Unsuccessful People are Always Pointing out What is not Possible. 

They Live in a World of ImPossibilities; 
They have a Solid Can't Do Attitude. 
And they are Sinking the Ship of Success.


2.  I can Do it all MySelf

When you hear someone on Your Team or a Colleague insisting how she can finish a Project or how he can complete the work better without any help from other employees, take note: That person is going to slow things down and is ruining the project. 

Ironically enough, Unsuccessful people are always those who push their own agenda and Don't see the value of Teamwork. That's the very thing that ruins their career.

3. I have a Problem with That Work but Not with Money 

Nit Pickers never get Prosper. Just  remember going to meetings in  Corporate Career with dozens of people sitting at tables in a Big Room. 
Inevitably, someone would always stand up and start venting about some Highly Specific pet peeve in front of the entire crowd. 
He or she should have started wearing a sign that said "unsuccessful" to the meeting. 
He or she found one problem and then OverFocused on it to bring the whole Team down.

4. Don't Forget the Basic Details 

People who are really unsuccessful are crippled by their task list. The most successful people are those who see the goal and know how to get there. Most important, they know that the details on a project are a means to an end. Finishing a task list is not a sign of success; creating a lasting company that makes an outstanding product is.

5.  I like my own Traditional Ideas

Have you noticed how many People at work sometimes like only their own Old Ideas ?

It is a Sign of Selfishness and Shows an Inability to Embrace the Team Objective. It also Spells Disaster. 


-- Happy Landings ..........

Capt Shekhar Gupta
AeroSoft Corp
W :
E  :

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Self Motivation

You can Motivate by Fear 
And  You can Motivate by Rewards
But both those are Temporary
The only Lasting thing is 
Self Motivation

Thursday, 22 May 2014

A Businessman who Lost Everything in a Fire

A Businessman who Lost 
Everything in a Fire 

Placed a Sign Board:

"Everything Burnt but Luckily 
Faith & Confidence Undamaged.
Business Starts Tomorrow."

Have an Inspiring Day..

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

I Can and I Will

You have More Courage then you Feel
More Focus than You Think
More Vision than You can See 
And more Imagination than Your Dreams
So the next time you look away from 
That Cherished Goal 
Say to Yourself 
I Can and  I Will 
Before you Let it Go 

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Mr Annadurai An Awesome Autowala of Madras India

Annadurai - An Awesome Auto Driver From Chennai

Mr Annadurai owns an Auto Rickshaw (Similar to Taxi ) in Chennai
City Tamil Nadu, India. Similar to the other Auto Drivers he
also does the same thing but What makes his Auto from other
Auto's is he provides a lot of things inside the Auto for the
Passengers / Customers .

Which are...

1. Free mobile battery charger
2. Watch T.V for Free of cost
3. Free WiFi
4. Free Books to read
5. Bumper Prize Contest for Customers
6. Refer a Poor Child for Studies
7. And discount in fare for Teachers and on special days.
8. Mobile and DTH recharge

Mr Annadurai is now 28 Years old. His main Goal is to get his
customers feel happy and he needs customer satisfaction .

The vehicle is WI-Fi enabled and, if you're not carrying a
laptop or smartphone to connect to the internet, Annadurai
will slip you a 10-inch Tablet. He carries an Internet Dongle
attached to a WI-Fi router and offers free access to the
internet. "Most people who take my auto work for IT
companies and I know access to the internet is important for
them," Annadurai says. "It takes about half an hour to cover
the distance between Thiruvanmiyur and Sholinganallur. 

Why waste that Time ?" Says Annadurai

The auto also has lots for magazines and newspapers that
contain the latest editions. Annadurai spends 4,000 Rupees a
month on subscriptions to 35 various news publications.
There are dailies for the customers who need to keep up on
the news, weekly magazines for passengers who are taking a
long ride, and glossy fortnight-lies for those interested in
lighter reading.

Mr Annadurai spends more than 4,000 Per Month to give his customers an
auto ride like no other in the city, yet makes a good living,
taking home a profit of around 2,000 a Day. "That is more
than enough for a bachelor like him. 

"I drive from 0800 to 1300 and from 1700 to 2200 ," he says. He charges
Rupees 25 for the 11km route he covers, while other share
auto drivers demand 30 for the same distance. "Money really
isn't too important to me," he says. "What gives me pleasure
is that people remember me and are grateful for the service I
offer," Mr Annadurai Says

Annadurai Auto 

Media Reviews : 

Annadurai An Autowala Provides Free Wi-Fi , Magazines and ...

Annadurai is now 29 Years old. Annadurai's auto runs between Thiruvanmiyur bus terminus and Sholinganallur areas of chennai .His main goal is to get his customers ...

All in an Auto - The Hindu

Why is share-auto driver Annadurai being talked about by people in over 35 countries? His vehicle offers passengers a range of free services, discovers Anusha ...
Meet Auto Annadurai ….

A Role Model For Others !!! 

Annadurai own’s an Auto Rickshaw in Chennai City . Similar to the other Auto-drivers he also does the same thing but What makes his auto different from others is ...
Auto anna - The Hindu: Latest News, Breaking News, Current ...

Does your car have Wi-Fi? Well, his share auto does! Say hello to Annadurai who is a share auto driver plying along the OMR. He and his ‘auto’ gathered immense ...

Annadurai spends more than 5,000 to give his customers an auto ride like no other in the city, taking home a profit of around 1,000 a day.

Magazines in AnnaDurai Auto. Photo Courtesy : MRR Photography. The Alternative is a new media platform on sustainable living. Un(T)ravel; Arts & Culture; Green;
Auto Anna - Be Positive

Auto Anna - Annadurai's story has proved that no matter what your job is, you can still show concern for others and make a huge difference.

Surbhi Maheshwari 
