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Showing posts with label CFI. Show all posts

Monday, 21 January 2013

International Pilot Training

Career Guidance for Prospective and Current International Pilots [ CPL, CFI, ATPL Holders]

Dear Fellow Pilot,

Wishing You a Very Happy Take Off  !

Before you take decision to become an International Airlines Pilot you must read following dos and don't for Pilots.

We have included this section to help and explain the opportunities available to those Trainees who continue to work towards the professional Pilot License level, and there after how to get about with their "way forward" plans. I've also thought it prudent to include some of the many pitfalls or setbacks that await the financially unwary in what is otherwise a very honorable profession. Every country has its own civil Aviation Department who manages Aviation activities. You must make sure here we are talking about only civil Aviation industry Not defence flying. If you are planning to become a fighter Pilot, Sorry I also can't help you much.

Why should you become a Professional Pilot ?
- Passion
- Glamour
- Reputation
- Career
- Born Pilot [ Childhood Desire ] 

Before you begin

Before you embark, it is most important that you get a assessment from your country's "Civil Aviation Dept;" about the recognition of the license you are hoping to get, Is the License fully recognized by your civil aviation when you return back home., ..? Also read CAR [ Civil Aviation requirment ] throughly.

Know your Certificates :


About the Airline Training Industry

Aviation worldwide is a recurring market and the industry is affected predominantly by economics, politics and some part of the globe with acute terrorism..ect. 9/11 had a negative impact on the Airline industry, while in other regions tourism sustained and some picked up and all the local Airlines and charter companies fared rather well...Outside an Airline

Not all Pilots choose an Airline career. There are many other specialties just as rewarding. Other areas available are crop spraying, although I don't recommend it if you intend going the Airline route. Airlines prefer hiring pilots with multi-crew, multi-engine experience from structured environments. Nevertheless – it is well paid but obviously seasonal. Some crop sprayers alternate their work between northern and southern hemispheres to work all year long. Possession of a "Instructor Rating" will always assist you in gaining hours without any cost on flying, this also help you to maintain your license currency at all times... Contrary to popular belief, not everyone has the ability to become a professional pilot. In fact, some people shouldn't fly at all! Not because they can't fly well - but because they can't think well! Cocky, over-confident, egocentric pilots are not desirable and tend to be short lived in this job. The saying "there are old pilots and bold pilots – but no old bold pilots" is true. With the responsibilities and consequences involved, you...
One small tip – guard your reputation well! Airlines do their homework meticulously. Internationally this is a close knit community and if you have a reputation as a heavy drinking Casanova or a flamboyant show-off, you can rest assured the selection board will know about it before you arrive for the interview. Better have some answers ready!


Obviously this is a difficult subject to generalise on as salaries vary extensively around the world. Crop spraying is renowned as being a well paid job but this will be cyclically dependant on the season and whether you are prepared to work in outlying areas and switch hemispheres as...

I hope my advice goes some way in helping you make a decision about your future. Obviously all the aspects cannot be covered in such a short section so if there's any further advice you need please feel free to contact myself. I would try my best to help you in your career path as Professional Pilot.

Approx Commercial Pilot Training Fees in Different Countries

Pilot Training in New Zealand  NZ $ 65000

Duration:                             10 Months
Flying Hours                           200  hrs
Multi  Engine                            15 hrs
Single Engine:                          185 hrs
Simulator:                              10 hrs
Ground School
Pilot Supplies
Exam Fees
License Fees

Pilot Training in Philippines  : USD $ 40500

Total 200 Flight Hrs on SE Aircraft
Package cost : USD $ 40500
1.Private Pilot Training.
2.Commercial Pilot Training with Instrument Rating.
Food + Accomodation USD 2000

Pilot Training in USA  $ 45000
Pilot Training in Canada  CA$ 55000
Pilot Training in Sri Lanka  US$ 45000


Last but not least... Always remember Take off is optional but landing is compulsory..

Happy Landings........

Capt Shekhar Gupta
AsiaticAir Corporation
# 108 Ambikapuri  Extn. AirPort Road Indore 452 005 India
Tel: 0091- 731 - 2621309 / 4044650 /6450535 / 6452650
Fax: 91- 731 2621309
M: 0091- 99775 13452
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