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Monday 11 December 2023

10 Blog-Based Businesses Soaring High in the Digital Sky


10 Blog-Based Businesses Soaring High in the Digital Sky

In the ever-expanding realm of the internet, blogs have become powerful tools for both personal expression and entrepreneurial ventures. This article explores ten unique blog-based businesses, each thriving in its niche and contributing to the dynamic landscape of online entrepreneurship. Let's delve into the diverse world of these blogs:

1.AirCrews Aviation Blog (

Specializing in aviation and career guidance, AirCrews Aviation Blog is a hub for aspiring pilots and aviation enthusiasts. This blog-based business provides valuable insights into the aviation industry, pilot training, and career opportunities. Monetization methods may include affiliate marketing with aviation schools and sponsored content from aviation-related companies.

2.Alfa Bloggers (

Alfa Bloggers is a versatile platform covering a wide range of topics, including travel, lifestyle, and career advice. With a focus on quality content, this blog-based business attracts a diverse audience. Monetization strategies include affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and collaborations with lifestyle brands.

3.AllInOneShoppingApps (

This blog takes online shopping to the next level by curating and reviewing various shopping apps. All In One Shopping Apps provides users with insights into the latest trends, discounts, and exclusive deals. Monetization can be achieved through affiliate marketing with e-commerce platforms and sponsored reviews of shopping apps.

4.AeroSoft Corp (

AeroSoft's blog caters to the aviation industry, offering a blend of aviation news, career advice, and travel content. This blog-based business can explore revenue streams through affiliate marketing, sponsored content from aviation companies, and partnerships with travel brands.

5.Anxiety Attak (

Focusing on mental health and wellness, Anxiety Attak provides a supportive space for those dealing with anxiety. This blog-based business can generate income through partnerships with mental health organizations, affiliate marketing for wellness products, and offering premium content or resources.

6.Flying Crews (

Flying Crews blog is a valuable resource for professionals in the aviation and hospitality industries. Through insightful articles and career guidance, this blog-based business can monetize by partnering with aviation schools, offering premium career development services, and featuring sponsored content from industry players.

7.PortraitBusinessWoman (

Celebrating the achievements of women in business, Portrait Business Woman blog empowers and inspires its audience. Monetization avenues may include sponsored features of successful women entrepreneurs, affiliate marketing with business-related services, and organizing events or webinars.

8.Satpura Jungle Retreat (

Focusing on travel and eco-tourism, Satpura Jungle Retreat's blog invites readers to explore nature and wildlife. This blog-based business can generate income through sponsored travel content, affiliate marketing with travel agencies, and promoting eco-friendly products or services.

9.Fintech Start-Up (

Dedicated to the fintech industry, this blog provides insights into the latest trends, innovations, and startup stories. Monetization methods for Fintech Start-Up may include sponsored content from fintech companies, affiliate marketing with financial products, and offering premium insights or reports.

10.Guide By Local (

Guide By Local offers travel guides and local insights to help travelers make the most of their experiences. This blog-based business can monetize through partnerships with local businesses, affiliate marketing with travel services, and sponsored content featuring unique destinations

11.  10 Best In City (

A comprehensive guide to the best in various cities, this blog-based business covers everything from restaurants to attractions. Monetization avenues may include sponsored features of local businesses, affiliate marketing with city-centric services, and organizing city-based events or promotions.


These ten blog-based businesses exemplify the diverse opportunities that blogging offers in the digital era. From aviation and travel to mental health and fintech, these blogs have carved unique niches, attracting engaged audiences and turning passion into profit. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, these blogs serve as inspiring examples of successful online entrepreneurship.

Bhavna Talreja  Dhing


Bhavna Talreja Dhing, MBA | 

Digital Marketing Expert | 

Educational Leader | 

PhD Candidate

Sunday 10 December 2023

Unlocking Your Brand Potential: Building Your Personal Brand on Linkedin

Personal Branding

"Unlocking Your Brand Potential: Building Your Personal Brand on Linkedin "

Building your Personal Brand on LinkedIn can be a powerful way to unlock your professional potential. Here are some key steps you might consider:

Define Your Brand: 

Start by defining what makes you unique. What skills, experiences, and values set you apart? Craft a clear and concise Personal Brand statement that encapsulates your expertise and what you offer.

Optimize Your Profile: 

Ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete and compelling. Use a professional photo, write a captivating headline, and create a summary that showcases your strengths. Highlight your accomplishments, experiences, and skills.

Content Creation: 

Share valuable content related to your industry or niche. Create or curate articles, posts, or videos that demonstrate your knowledge and expertise. Consistency is key—regularly sharing quality content helps build credibility and visibility.

Engage and Network: 

Engage with your connections by commenting, sharing, and liking their content. Networking is crucial on LinkedIn—connect with professionals in your field, join relevant groups, and participate in discussions to expand your reach and visibility.

Recommendations and Endorsements: 

Request recommendations from colleagues or supervisors to add credibility to your profile. Endorse others for their skills and expertise, as this often prompts them to do the same for you.

Personal Branding Through Storytelling: 

Use storytelling to humanize your Brand. Share Personal anecdotes, lessons learned, or challenges overcome. Authenticity resonates with audiences and helps create a more relatable Brand.

Consistency and Monitoring: 

Consistency in your Brand message and activity is vital. Regularly review your profile, update content, and monitor engagement metrics to understand what resonates best with your audience.

Crafting your Personal Brand isn't merely about marketing or managing social media—it's a deliberate choice to carve your unique voice in the world.

It demands significant time investment, often mistaken as wasteful. However, authentic Personal Branding yields remarkable results.

Here are some swift strategies to expedite your Brand's growth:

Dive into LinkedIn—scroll, engage, and comment actively.

Elevate comments to connections—send thoughtful connection requests.

Customize connection requests—add a Personal touch.

Extend beyond invites—network genuinely with your connections.

Tailor not just invites but also your content to reflect your Personality.

Swap Instagram scrolling for LinkedIn engagement, and witness the transformation in your Brand presence.

Ready to level up your Branding game? 

DM me with "Brand" for Personalized guidance. 

I'm here to assist!

Services Provided 

#Marketing Strategy


#Digital Marketing

#Brand Marketing

Content Marketing

Lead Generation

Social Media Marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Public Relations

Marketing Consulting

Building a Personal Brand takes time and effort. Stay authentic, remain active, and engage meaningfully with your network to maximize your Brand's potential on LinkedIn.

Bhavna Talreja Dhing,   MBA | 


Digital Marketing Expert | 

Educational Leader | 

PhD Candidate

Bhavna Talreja Dhing #PersonalBranding #BrandStrategy #ContentCreation #NetworkingExpert #Changes, #need, #build, #Brand

Saturday 9 December 2023

5 Self-Care Strategies

 5 Self-Care Strategies

Boost Your Winter Productivity with 5 Self-Care Strategies!

Are you feeling the winter slump affecting your productivity? Combat it with these tailored self-care tips designed to keep you on track during the chilly months:

Prioritize Restful Sleep: 

Darker days often call for more sleep. Establish a consistent sleep schedule to enhance focus and cognitive abilities, ensuring you're refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

Stay Active: 

Beat the winter blues by staying active. Exercise releases endorphins, boosting both your mood and energy levels. Whether it's a walk, yoga, or gym time, find activities that keep you motivated.

Balanced Nutrition: 

Resist the urge for comfort foods and focus on a balanced diet. Incorporate immune-boosting foods like fruits, veggies, and whole grains to maintain energy levels and concentration.

Maximize Natural Light: 

Lack of sunlight impacts mood and productivity. Get outdoors during daylight hours or position yourself near windows to soak in natural light. Light therapy lamps can also help if sunlight is scarce.

Mindfulness and Relaxation: 

Integrate relaxation techniques into your routine. Meditation, deep breathing, or stretching breaks can reduce stress and heighten focus, ultimately boosting productivity.

🔔 Here's how to tailor these tips for a productivity boost:

Mindful Movement: 

Incorporate exercise and make movement a part of your work routine.

Optimize Your Workspace: 

Add vibrant colors to your screen and desk area for a stimulating environment.

Socialize with Colleagues: 

Collaborate, ideate, and brainstorm with colleagues for enhanced productivity.

Embrace Hobbies: 

Find joy in hobbies like podcasts, music, reading, or mindfulness practices.

Recharge Effectively: 

Take regular breaks and ensure quality sleep for optimum productivity.

Remember, self-care fuels productivity. Adjust these strategies to suit your lifestyle and watch your productivity thrive during winter!

🤳🏻 Tip: Maintain a workplace temperature between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius for optimal comfort, especially during the low-light winter days. Let’s make the most of winter together, despite our Like or Dislike for the cold! 😊

Bhavna Talreja  Dhing


Bhavna Talreja Dhing, MBA | 

Digital Marketing Expert | 

Educational Leader | 

PhD Candidate

Exploring the Blogger's Path Embracing Commitment Over Quick Fixes

Exploring the Blogger's Path  Embracing Commitment Over Quick Fixes 

Commitment Over Quick Fixes 📚✍️


Bhavna Talreja  Dhing


Exploring the Blogger's Path: Embracing Commitment Over Quick Fixes 📚✍️

Becoming a Blogger is a journey that unfolds gradually rather than reaching a sudden destination. No crash course can magically transform someone into a skilled wordsmith overnight. Instead, it's about making a dedicated commitment to growth and mastering your craft. Here are some fundamental principles for aspiring Bloggers:

Dive into reading
For a Blogger, literature acts as nourishment for the soul. Immerse yourself in diverse genres, styles, and voices. Each book holds invaluable lessons, and every page turned marks progress on your path. Whether delving into classic literature or contemporary works, your understanding of language and storytelling deepens with every read.

Unleash your imagination
Writing is an art, and your imagination serves as the canvas. Avoid confining yourself; instead, let your creativity flow without boundaries. Explore new ideas, perspectives, and realms. Allow your imagination to wander freely, discovering that the most remarkable stories often stem from within.

Play with language
Writing isn't merely about imparting information; it's about constructing an immersive experience. Treat words as a musician treats notes. Experiment with language, sentence structures, and metaphors. Your distinct voice emerges when you embrace playfulness and inventiveness in your expression.

Remember, the path of a Blogger is a marathon, not a sprint. It's a continual journey of learning, refining skills, and evolving as a storyteller. There are no shortcuts, yet the satisfaction of creating something meaningful through words is a reward in itself. Embrace the process, remain committed, and let your writing passion steer you through this fulfilling adventure.

10 Best Blog Based Business

Bhavna Talreja  Dhing
Bhavna Talreja Dhing, MBA |
Digital Marketing Expert |
Educational Leader |
PhD Candidate

#writingcommunity #writingtips #authors #bookwriting #novelwriting

Destination Wedding at Ayodhya


Destination Wedding at Ayodhya:

A memorable wedding with a Spiritual Journey Through Time and Tradition

Nestled along the banks of the sacred Sarayu River, Ayodhya stands as a living testament to the rich tapestry of India's cultural and spiritual heritage. As I embarked on a journey to this ancient city, I found myself transported not only through its historical layers but also through the depths of my soul.

Ayodhya, with its rich cultural heritage and spiritual significance, offers a uniquely enchanting backdrop for a wedding destination. The city, steeped in history and adorned with architectural wonders, provides a glimpse of unparalleled beauty for couples seeking a memorable and culturally rich wedding experience.

A wedding in Ayodhya reflects the communal harmony that defines the city. Regardless of religious background, the celebration became a unifying experience, bringing together diverse communities in a joyous expression of shared heritage when we attended the wedding at “Royal Heritage Hotels & Resorts, Ayodhya “.

In choosing Ayodhya as a wedding destination, couples can weave their love story into the fabric of this ancient city, creating memories that resonate with cultural richness, spiritual depth, and the timeless beauty of Ayodhya's landscapes. It's not just a destination; it's an immersion into the heart of India's cultural soul, where every moment becomes a testament to the enduring beauty of love.



The Sacred Terrain:

As the first rays of the sun touched the ghats of Sarayu, I was greeted by a serene landscape that seemed to whisper tales of centuries past. The ghats, bathed in golden light, invited contemplation and reflection. Here, the river flowed not just with water but with the essence of devotion and faith.

Temples of Timelessness:

Ayodhya is adorned with temples that have withstood the test of time. The grandeur of the Ram Janmabhoomi, the tranquillity of the Kanak Bhavan, and the intricate carvings of Hanuman Garhi tell stories etched in stone. Each temple, a chapter in the epic of Ayodhya, unveils layers of devotion and architectural brilliance.



Echoes of the past:

Wandering through the labyrinthine streets, I felt a palpable connection with the past. Ayodhya's narrow alleys, bustling markets, and ancient structures seemed to resonate with echoes of a bygone era. The city, like a time capsule, preserves the essence of its history in every cobblestone and facade.

Pilgrimage of the Heart:

Beyond the physical journey, Ayodhya beckons the seeker on an inner pilgrimage. The spiritual energy that permeates the air has a transformative effect, prompting introspection and a deep sense of connection with something larger than life.

Cultural Kaleidoscope:

Ayodhya isn't merely a city; it's a living, breathing kaleidoscope of culture. From the vibrant festivals that paint the streets with colors to the resonating sounds of bhajans, the cultural vibrancy of Ayodhya captures the heart and soul of those who traverse its sacred grounds.

A Soulful Sojourn:

As I reluctantly bid farewell to Ayodhya, I carried with me more than just memories. The journey had etched a spiritual map on my heart, each experience a landmark in my quest for meaning. Ayodhya, with its timeless charm, had become not just a destination but a pilgrimage of the soul.

Inviting others to the Journey:

In sharing my reflections on Ayodhya, I extend an invitation to fellow seekers and wanderers. The ancient city awaits, ready to unfold its stories, stir your spirit, and guide you on a spiritual journey through time and tradition. Ayodhya, with open arms, welcomes all who seek to explore its mystical realms.

The construction work at the Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya is a harmonious blend of tradition, craftsmanship, and modern engineering, reflecting a deep respect for the cultural and spiritual significance of the site. As I witnessed the beauty of the construction unfolding, several aspects captivated my attention.

In witnessing the beauty of the construction work at Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya, one can appreciate not only the physical manifestation of a temple but also the embodiment of cultural, spiritual, and communal aspirations. It stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Ayodhya, where the past and the present converge in a celebration of faith, craftsmanship, and unity.

Bhavna Talreja  Dhing


Bhavna Talreja Dhing, MBA | 

Digital Marketing Expert | 

Educational Leader | 

PhD Candidate