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Wednesday 23 March 2022

4 Good Friends

 *कहानी पूरी जरूर पढ़ना

4 Good Friends 

*Must Read the full Story

It is an eye-popping story of four close friends from school.

Those who have studied up to SSC in the same school..

At that time it was the only luxury hotel in the city.

After the SSC exam, they decided that we should go to that hotel and have tea and breakfast.

The four of them barely deposited forty rupees, it was a Sunday, and at ten thirty they reached the hotel by bicycle.

Dinesh, Santosh, Manish and Praveen started talking while having tea and breakfast.

All four of them unanimously decided that after fifty years we will meet again in this hotel on 1st April..


Till then we all should work very hard, it will be interesting to see how much progress has been made in this..


The friend who comes to the hotel later that day will have to pay the hotel bill for that time.


Kalu, the waiter who served him tea and breakfast, was listening to all this, he said that if I stay here then I will wait for you all in this hotel..

All four separated for further education.


He had left the city after Dinesh's father changed, Santosh went to his uncle for further studies, Manish and Praveen got admission in different colleges of the city..

Eventually Manish also left the city.


Days, months, years passed..


In fifty years there was a radical change in that city, the population of the city increased, roads, flyovers, metros changed the appearance of the city..


Now that hotel had become a five star hotel, waiter Kalu now became Kalu Seth and became the owner of this hotel..


Fifty years later, at noon on the scheduled date, April 01, a luxury car arrived at the door of the hotel..

Dinesh got out of the car and started walking towards the porch, Dinesh now has three jewelery showrooms..

Dinesh reached the hotel owner Kalu Seth, both kept looking at each other.

Kalu Seth said that Praveen sir has booked a table for you a month back..

Dinesh was heartily happy that he was the first of the four, so he wouldn't have to pay today's bill, and he would make fun of his friends for it..

Santosh came in an hour, Santosh became a big builder of the city..


For his age, he now looked like an old senior citizen.

Now both were talking and waiting for other friends, third friend Manish came in half an hour..

On talking to him, both of them came to know that Manish has become a businessman.

The eyes of the three friends were going to the door again and again, when will Praveen come..?

After that Kalu Seth said that a message has come from Praveen sir, you start tea breakfast, I am coming..

All three were happy to meet each other after fifty years.

The joke went on for hours, but Praveen did not come.


Kalu Seth said that again Praveen sir's message has come, all three of you start eating after choosing your favorite menu.

Even after eating food, Praveen did not show up, as soon as he asked for the bill, all three got the answer that the online bill has been paid.


At eight o'clock in the evening, a young man got down from the car and approached the three friends preparing to leave with a heavy heart, all three kept on seeing the man.

The young man started saying, I am your friend's son Ravi, my father's name is Praveen Bhai..

Dad told me about your arrival today, he was waiting for this day, but he passed away last month due to a serious illness..

They told me to meet late, if I leave early, they will be sad, because my friends will not laugh when they know that I am not in this world, and they will lose the joy of meeting each other ..

So he ordered me to come late.


He also asked me to hug you on his behalf, Ravi stretched out both his hands..

The people around were eagerly watching this scene, they thought they had seen this young man somewhere..


Ravi said that my father became a teacher, and taught me to become a collector, today I am the collector of this city..


Everyone was amazed, Kalu Seth said that now not after fifty years, but every fifty days we will meet again and again in our hotel, and every time there will be a grand party from my side..

Keep meeting your relatives, don't wait for years to meet friends, don't know whose turn comes to get separated and don't know..

Perhaps the same situation is with us, I give proof of being alive by sending messages of good morning, good night etc. to some of my friends.

 Life is like a train which will go north when it comes to the station. Only a faint memory remains.

Be with family, feel the joy of being alive..

Hug not only on the day of Holi, but also on all other occasions, religious occasions and meeting every day, your friendship will grow stronger.

Happy holi and best wishes

* try it once

स्कूल के चार करीबी दोस्तों की आंखें नम करने वाली कहानी है..

जिन्होंने एक ही स्कूल में एसएससी तक पढ़ाई की है..

उस समय शहर में इकलौता लग्जरी होटल था..

एसएससी की परीक्षा के बाद उन्होंने तय किया कि हमें उस होटल में जाकर चाय-नाश्ता करना चाहिए

उन चारों ने मुश्किल से चालीस रुपये जमा किए, रविवार का दिन था, और साढ़े दस बजे वे चारों साइकिल से होटल पहुंचे।..

दिनेश, संतोष, मनीष और प्रवीण चाय-नाश्ता करते हुए बातें करने लगे..

उन चारों ने सर्वसम्मति से फैसला किया कि पचास साल बाद हम 01 अप्रैल को इस होटल में फिर मिलेंगे..


तब तक हम सब को बहुत मेहनत करनी चाहिए, यह देखना दिलचस्प होगा कि इसमें किसकी कितनी प्रगति हुई है..


जो दोस्त उस दिन बाद में होटल आएगा उसे उस समय का होटल का बिल देना होगा..


उनको चाय नाश्ता परोसने वाला वेटर कालू यह सब सुन रहा था, उसने कहा कि अगर मैं यहां रहा तो मैं इस होटल में एआप सब का इंतजार करूंगा..

आगे की शिक्षा के लिए चारों अलग अलग हो गए..


दिनेश के पिता के बदली होने पर वह शहर छोड़ चुका था, संतोष आगे की पढ़ाई के लिए अपने चाचा के पास चला गया, मनीष और प्रवीण को शहर के अलग-अलग कॉलेजों में दाखिला मिला..

आखिरकार मनीष भी शहर छोड़कर चला गया..


दिन, महीने, साल बीत गए..


पचास वर्षों में उस शहर में आमूल-चूल परिवर्तन आया, शहर की आबादी बढ़ी, सड़कों, फ्लाईओवर, महानगरों ने बदल दी शहर की सूरत..


अब वह होटल फाइव स्टार होटल बन गया था, वेटर कालू अब कालू सेठ बन गया और इस होटल का मालिक बन गया..


पचास साल बाद, निर्धारित तिथि, 01 अप्रैल को दोपहर में, एक लग्जरी कार होटल के दरवाजे पर आई..

दिनेश कार से उतरा और पोर्च की ओर चलने लगा, दिनेश के पास अब तीन ज्वैलरी शो रूम हैं..

दिनेश होटल के मालिक कालू सेठ के पास पहुंचा, दोनों एक दूसरे को देखते रहे..

कालू सेठ ने कहा कि प्रवीण सर ने आपके लिए एक महीने पहले एक टेबल बुक किया है..

दिनेश मन ही मन खुश था कि वह चारों में से पहला था, इसलिए उसे आज का बिल नहीं देना पड़ेगा, और वह इसके लिए अपने दोस्तों का मजाक उड़ाएगा..

एक घंटे में संतोष आ गया, संतोष शहर का बड़ा बिल्डर बन गया..


अपनी उम्र के हिसाब से वह अब एक बूढ़े सीनियर सिटिजन की तरह लग रहे था..

अब दोनों बातें कर रहे थे और दूसरे मित्रों का इंतजार कर रहे थे, तीसरा मित्र मनीष आधे घंटे में आ गया..

उससे बात करने पर दोनों को पता चला कि मनीष बिजनेसमैन बन गया है..

तीनों मित्रों की आंखें बार बार दरवाजे पर जा रही थीं, प्रवीण कब आएगा..?

इतनी देर में कालू सेठ ने कहा कि प्रवीण सर की ओर से एक मैसेज आया है, तुम चाय का नाश्ता शुरू करो, मैं आ रहा हूं..

तीनों पचास साल बाद एक-दूसरे से मिलकर खुश थे..

घंटों तक मजाक चलता रहा, लेकिन प्रवीण नहीं आया..


कालू सेठ ने कहा कि फिर से प्रवीण सर का मैसेज आया है, आप तीनों अपना मनपसंद मेन्यू चुनकर खाना शुरू करें..

खाना खा लिया तो भी प्रवीण नहीं दिखा, बिल मांगते ही तीनों को जवाब मिला कि ऑनलाइन बिल का भुगतान हो गया है..


शाम के आठ बजे एक युवक कार से उतरा और भारी मन से निकलने की तैयारी कर रहे तीनों मित्रों के पास पहुंचा, तीनों उस आदमी को देखते ही रह गए..

युवक कहने लगा, मैं आपके दोस्त का बेटा रवि हूं, मेरे पिता का नाम प्रवीण भाई है..

पिताजी ने मुझे आज आपके आने के बारे में बताया, उन्हें इस दिन का इंतजार था, लेकिन पिछले महीने एक गंभीर बीमारी के कारण उनका निधन हो गया..

उन्होंने मुझे देर से मिलने के लिए कहा, अगर मैं जल्दी निकल गया, तो वे दुखी होंगे, क्योंकि मेरे दोस्त तब नहीं हंसेंगे, जब उन्हें पता चलेगा कि मैं इस दुनिया में नहीं हूं, और वे एक-दूसरे से मिलने की खुशी खो देंगे..

इसलिए उन्होंने मुझे देर से आने का आदेश दिया..


उन्होंने मुझे उनकी ओर से आपको गले लगाने के लिए भी कहा, रवि ने अपने दोनों हाथ फैला दिए..  

आसपास के लोग उत्सुकता से इस दृश्य को देख रहे थे, उन्हें लगा कि उन्होंने इस युवक को कहीं देखा है..


रवि ने कहा कि मेरे पिता शिक्षक बने, और मुझे पढ़ाकर कलेक्टर बनाया, आज मैं इस शहर का कलेक्टर हूं..


सब चकित थे, कालू सेठ ने कहा कि अब पचास साल बाद नहीं, बल्कि हर पचास दिन में हम अपने होटल में बार-बार मिलेंगे, और हर बार मेरी तरफ से एक भव्य पार्टी होगी..

अपने सगे-सम्बन्धियों से मिलते रहो, दोस्तों मिलने के लिए बरसों का इंतजार मत करो, जाने किसकी बिछड़ने की बारी आ जाए और पता ही नही चले..

शायद यही हाल हमारी भी है मैं अपने कुछ दोस्तों को सुप्रभात, शुभरात्रि आदि का मैसेज भेज कर जिंदा रहने का प्रमाण देते है

 जिंदगी भी ट्रेन की तरह है जिसका जब स्टेशन आयेगा उत्तर जायेगा. रह जाती हैं एक धुधली सी यादें।

परिवार के साथ रहें, जिंदा होने की खुशी महसूस करें.. 

सिर्फ होली के दिन ही नहीं अन्य सभी अवसरों धार्मिक अवसरों तथा दिन प्रतिदिन मिलने पर भी गले लगाया करें आपकी मित्रता प्रगाढ़ हो जाएगी 

होली की हार्दिक बधाई और शुभकामनाएं

*एक बार कोशिश तो करो

Sunday 6 March 2022

Vaping: A Curse or a Boon by Dr. Suchitra Prasad

Vaping: A Curse or a Boon


Dr. Suchitra Prasad [MDS]

#Vaping vs Smoking

#What does Vaping to your Body?

#Is Vaping worse than Smoking?

#Can your Lungs Heal from Vaping?

#Why is Vaping Unhealthy?

#Does Vaping Bad for your Teeth

#Can your Lungs Heal from Vaping

#How long does nicotine stay in your blood after Vaping

#Vaping is worse than smoking Cigarettes

#Does Vaping cause anxiety

#Does Vaping cause lung cancer

#What does Vaping do to your lungs

#Pros and Cons of Vaping

#Best way to quit Vaping

#Does Vaping make you Lose Weight

#Vaping while Breastfeeding

#Side Effects of Vaping



Tobacco Cessation Specialist 

No Smoking No Vaping



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Tuesday 22 February 2022

Face Leadership Challenges and Turn it into a Golden Opportunity By Padmashri Kadam Creative Content Writer

5 Keys to Face Leadership Challenges and Turn it into a Golden Opportunity

By Padmashri Kadam Creative Content Writer

You might find a Leadership role to be challenging and might feel the journey is tough. Infact this journey is filled with lot of twists and turns, and detours and potholes can throw anyone off their course. It’s quite obvious to think these Challenges as problems but that is not true. These Challenges occur to make you more strong and Face it positively looking it as an Opportunity and not problem.

To understand this more deeply here’s the story:

In the West Orange, New Jersey, it was a cold December night. Thomas Edison's factory was humming with activity with an effort to create and innovate something new. Work was busy proceeding on a variety of fronts as the great inventor working hard to turn more of his dreams into practical realities. 

Although Edison's plant was made of concrete and steel, it was deemed "fireproof" but, it wasn't! On that frigid night in 1914, suddenly, the sky started litting up by a sensational blaze that bursted through the plant roof. Edison's 24 year old son Charles, rushed quickly and made a frenzied search for his famous inventor father. After hunting for a long time when he finally found him busy in watching the fire. He saw that his white hair was blowing in the wind. He could even see his Face was illuminated by the leaping flames. 

Looking at his father in that terrible situation, Charles once said "My heart ached for him. Here he was, 67 years old and everything he had worked for was going up in flames. When he saw me, he shouted, “Charles! Where's your mother?” Since I was not aware I told him that I didn't know, he said, “Find her! Bring her here! She'll never see anything like this as long as she lives." 

Next morning, Thomas Edison examined at the ruins of his factory and said - "There's value in disaster, all our mistakes are burned up. Thank God, we can start anew."

So, here we can learn the 5 Keys to Face the Leadership Challenges  to Turn into Golden Opportunity and they are:

  • Take the lead 

Consider your obstacle as a new Opportunity and learn how to overcome it, because Challenges often prepare you for an extraordinary destiny.

  • Focus on the future 

The moment you Face an obstacle see what you can learn from it quickly shift to applying those lessons to the future. You can’t change the past, and lingering on it might make the situation even worse. 

  • Change negatives into positives 

To overcome the adversity, focus on the positive. Look at the positive aspects of your situation or the positive results and you’ll feel great when you achieve what you desire in the future.

  • Accept it and move on 

Once you accept adversity as a normal part of your Leadership, you’ll waste less time feeling stuck and overwhelmed.

  • Define your priorities 

Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by minor setbacks and disappointments. Instead, you should focus on overcoming the real obstacles that lie between you and your goals.

Padmashri Kadam 

Creative Content Writer

Characteristics of a Business Leader by Darshana Khandelwal

 Characteristics of a Business Leader 

by   Darshana Khandelwal 

No person is born with the skills that makes him a Leader although it requires a lot of practice and experience to become a good Business Leader. 

A person could be considered as an effective Business Leader if he tends to have the following Characteristics that could also make the organization successful thereby achieving sustainable profits and results.


Decisiveness could mean the ability of making Decisions quickly and effectively. The Business Leader should have the ability to make quick Decisions having appropriate information. This Characteristic will help in achieving the goals and executing plans effectively. It assists the Leaders in making sound Decisions for the smooth functioning of an organization.

Key for achieving, 

Effective goals 

Is decisiveness


The Business Leader must provide fair and equal treatment to all the employees working within the organization. By treating all the employees fairly without making any kind of discrimination will help in developing good relations with each other at the workplace and will also enhance the level of credibility and increases the working efficiency.


Every Leader must have the appropriate knowledge regarding the facts and figures. It will help the Leader in making the decisions appropriately and taking necessary steps in order to earn a significant amount of profits in the organization. Knowledge helps the Business Leaders to develop their skills and provide the right direction to the Members of the team. It could also assist in judging what is right or wrong for the organization.

Sharing knowledge, 

Will help in the 

Achievement of


#Creativity and Imagination

Both the terms differ in their meaning. Creativity means doing something innovative after making an imagination for any plan whereas imagination would mean the act of thinking which actually does not exist. It provides the opportunity to the Leader in performing various activities such as – motivating team members, achieving goals and problem solving. So, a Business Leader must think from both the perspectives and has the ability to produce innovative ideas that would lead in generating maximum revenue for any organization.

Darshana Khandelwal

Characteristics of a Business Leader 

by   Darshana Khandelwal

#Business #Leader #Characteristics #Decisions #Members

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Lesson for Business Leaders

Leadership to Build Great Team and Winning Team