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Showing posts with label asaram bapu sting operation. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Secrets of Tantrik Sant Shri Asaram Ji Bapu & Shri Narayan Sai

These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram.Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family.

Secrets of Asaram Bapu & his son Narayan Sindhi
Tricks used by Tantrik asaram bapu to brainwash young people who become his followers
This document will explain you why asaram had so many followers, and why there are still some left inhis ashram as his fanatic followers. How asaram manipulates innocent people and recruit them to work inhis ashram as slaves. I am not asking for money and I am not selling this document, this is real life of people who are still left in asarams mindprison called ashram and this is written so you can understandhow asaram ashram functions & this document is only meant to express my feelings and warn you so youcan learn from our experiences from asaram and
 may save you and your family from asaram

. Pleaseforgive me for any grammatical mistakes as I am not a writer we are team of ex asaram followers whohave ruined their live in the illusion of asaram. Every line & word written in this document is true & veryimportant and it may save you & your family
life. If you feel something you didn’t understood and thatcan’t be happening then reread this document and try to talk to his ashram inmates or visit them
personally and you will know the real facts, and will agree with me that how dangerous asaram cultis,and why it is important that his ashram should be seized and CBI should arrest both father & son. So tryto understand what writer is trying to say if I am not able to say it correctly in words. In the initial pagesyou will find how asaram ashram is run and how they control the behavior of person to make thempsychotic. Tricks and techniques used by his ashram can only be understood if you try to picture themwith a sadhak inmate who is living in his ashram. Why his son looks like he has good diet but most of theinmates who have been brainwashed will look pale and weak, even though they came from good families.How their health detoriates inside the ashram and they become weak and eventually they die in ashramand their body is never found. Family of these sadhak keeps waiting and wondering about their lovedones but asaram never send them back to their homes.When Tantrik asaram bapu sees a devotee who comes from a wealthy family or a person he can exploitthen he wants to modify his devotee behavior and attitude quickly, that deals with a type of practicalpsychology. The Tantrik asaram bapu devotee must be cut off from all social support, from their socialbackground, from their families, their familiar environment, their friends, their workplace,their schools,and be brought into a new environment, like Delhi person will be taken to Ahmedabad. And then, in orderto be able to manage behavior processing, an absolute control over information is necessary, i.e., controlof mail, telephone calls, radio and television, visitors, etc. Tantrik asaram Bapu carry out indoctrinationthis way gain total control over all possible incoming information. In doing so Tantrik asaram bapu availthemselves of a very subtle process. If, for instance, young people would want to telephone their parentsor call their friends, they throw their coins into the pay telephones, but the devices in this ashram arealways coincidentally broken down. Any access to past ties is therefore completely cut off.Since the people are immediately subjected to an intensive, waking program, they soon suffer from a
sleep deficit, which clouds their critical ability to judge

. On top of that, newcomers are put on aprotein-poor diet, which leads to digestive disorders so that they do not feelwell. They are told, however,that this queasiness is a result of their own evil and satanic existence. Most young people have not beentrained to know that a protein-poor diet leads to these complaints. When someone becomes a vegetarianof his own free will, first he usually gathers information as to how he can obtain a sufficient amount of protein. True vegetarians get enough protein even without meat, fish or poultry and do not suffer fromthese digestive difficulties. So the young people who join Tantrik asaram bapu ashram will be kept onlack of sleep and lack of protein

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Thursday, 13 September 2012

List of 18 MURDERS by Sant Shri Asaram Ji Bapu in ashram List of Murders In Asaram bapu ashram

In Virngham ashram which is apx. 1 hour from Ahmedabad sadhak named ZANDU (real name Narender, as asaram changes names in is cult), who came from MP. 2yrs ago on Sunday was murdered. He was sanchalak of Virangham ashram. No FIR about the murder was ever written, after murdering criminals of asaram called asaram that Zandu is dead now what do with dead body, then asaram told them to NIPTA lo mamla. Bidhisa was there. Asaram was in his Ahmedabad ashram.

Amor Bhai (Pile Vastra wala, there is another Amor also but this is the one who was given yellow clothes to wear) about 7 yrs ago his age was around 35 at that time Near Surat there is an ashram, he was sanchalak. He saw asaram in sexual exploitation and he didn’t wanted to be in ashram. Asaram told sadhaks to beat him brutally that he was dead. Asaram himself got his ritual done in Ahmedabad ashram itself, & in front of sadhaks he said he was stealing from ashram & now he couldn’t bear the pain of stealing so did suicide. Vanzara helped him to rush up the murder case. Body was given fire ritual and body finished. NO FIR, NO complaint. But there are over 37 witnesses who saw this murder.

Naresh Murder age 10-11yrs.- Ahmedabad – They were two bothers from mujaffurnagar, their Mother / Father started living in ashram & at that time asaram had no gurukul to brainwash so kids used to go outside to study in school. This story is apx. 10 yrs ago in Ahmedabad Naresh was murdered in ashram but ashram said he did suicide. 10 yrs old kid did suicide ? why ? No police complaint? No FIR ? Asaram ashram did fire ritual of the body. Witnesses are out of his ashram & some are still there. story can be confirmed with anyone who is associated with Ahmedabad ashram from 10 yrs.

Naresh Trivedi - Asaram used to call him CID as he was used to give information about other ashram inmates to asaram. He used to work as angad sewak, & used to read books for asaram so asaram can raata maro those things to speak in his pravachans. The day he was murdered asaram told ashram wasi there in Rishikesh that he has drowned in gunga river. nadi mein doob kar mar gaya hai.

Vashi -From Bombay – his sister still lives in ashram and under illusion of asaram. He used to work in rishi Prasad in day & in night he was security man of ashram. murdered in ashram because he was protesting his sisters misuse 7 sexual exploitation but after murdering Asaram said nadi mein doob kar mar gaya. mari gaya to zinda kar do kya ?

Balalk das maharaj – Karol bagh ashram – he used to run this ashram & asaram promised him he will give him 5 lakh if gives this ashram to him. he agreed but Asaram moved in and before asaram could pay him out asaram ordered his murder through poison. Goverdhan & Ram bhai jattadhari, Ashok bhai bhandari (vaid) (he is asaram in chetna ke swar) ne zahar de kar maar diya & asaram took over the forest land where ashram was there, then later asaram expanded the coverage of land by himself as whole land is of forest department of government & no construction can be done but asaram still has the possession of the land.

Variayo – Rajokri ashram – He came from Orrisa and was working to construct rajokri ashram in 2002 one night snake had bitten him. ashram people had called Kaka mani in Karol bagh that snake had bitten him 7 we need to take him to hospital. Kaka mani said we will look into this in the morning, no need to worry he is chotta jaati ka aadmi. In the morning ashram people took him to hospital where he was declared dead, Narayan sai in Karol bagh ashram touched the body and said main isko zinda kar sakta hoon, par agar yeh zindda ho gaya to sukhi nahin rahega saari zindagi, zinda karoon kya ? People around him said no. They then took the dead body for fire ritual, narayan sai asaram bapu’s son gave kandha for a minute & kaka mani took the body to cremation ground. They got rid of the body easily. poor parents had came from Orrisa but were no even offered water in ashram & they were told your son ne sadgadhi prapt kar li hai kyonki narayan sai ne kandha diya hai usko.

Ahilya AYARI – Durbhungha – bihar – narayan sai told village people that he can make any one bring to life even though if he dead with sanke bit. village people came & told him we have our daughter dead two days ago and we have buried the child in ground can you make her alive ? narayan said yes bring the dead body to me. whole village went back but half of village people didn’t came under superstition so they stopped parents to take the dead body from ground. parents came back to naryan sai ashram & told him to do his pooja in cremation ground itself so come with them. Narayan sai got scared as he knew he can’t bring that dead girl to life because he wanted that child to bring to ashram o he can eat the flesh, but how will he do it there in front of people. so he sent one another tantrik from ashram with pipal ki leaves. But in cremation ground dead body was taken out tantrik of asaram & narayan put people leaves in nose & ear nothing happened. Villagers got agitated they went back to ashram to kill narayan for playing with their feelings but narayan fled to Nepal that night. this story was published in local news paper of Durbhungha. It just shows asaram & narayan have pattern of murders & then playing with dead bodies. Both have no feelings for dead alive people. This is why parents of so many people are victims who are asking for their son & daughter back from his ashram.

Jaswant singh s/o Pratap singh – Rajokri delhi. Three teenagers were in ashram and ashram people got hold of them thinking they are here to steal. They tied them up upside down on tree to all three, & were beating them, in the mean time asaram came to give his speech, all who were beating went there and forgot that kids are still hanging on tree. By the time they came back one was dead. they threatend the two and told them to run away. Then dead body was taken to kapoor’s warehouse in najafgarh. From there after two day the dead body was taken to haridwaar in ashram, cut in pieces then put in bag then thrown in gunga. Police still can’t find body. eventhoguh 6 people were caught they admitted in their bayan yes the jaswant is dead, but his motorcycle was planted at new delhi rly station and declared he has gone outside of delhi. Pratap ji still doesn’t know his son is dead, it’s hard for us to reveal to him. so please atleast inform him. He is still hoping for the son to be back from asaram ashram or facts to be revealed to him.

Chindwara – two kids murdered – Shadow coverup of case by parents under the influnece of asaram.

Ahmedabad – Abhisheikh, Deepesh Vaghela – Two cousins murdered of Vaghela – details will come soon.

From couple of years ago asaram is brainwashing educated people & thier parents come up with legal cases against asaram so to protect himself Asaram has made a contract paper it is called  ajjevan daan paper which he gets signed from brainwashed fanatics once they are brainwashed & are manipulated to live in ashram. it says now they ar giving thier life to asaram. HUMM  think about it.  what will you do if your own family member or son gets involved with asaram.

Tags: asaram bapu ashram, asaram bapu list of murders, asaram bapu murder, ASARAM MURDERED

Cult & Controversy: the story of Asaram ashram

For the phenomenally influential religious guru, Asaram Bapu, his 37-year-long spiritual career had never been a cakewalk and the four mysterious deaths in his ashramss here and in Madhya Pradesh and the public ire he has been courting are only the latest that he hopes to shrug off.
His spiritual domain is spread across 300 ashrams throughout India, as also in the US, with lakhs of his followers and admirers flooding his commune with funds. Sixty-seven-year-old Bapu has even delivered a speech at the parliament of world religions.

Few controversies connected with his ashrams have invited media attention the way the deaths of four children in his two ashrams — in Ahmedabad and Chhindwara — did in just one month. His ashram, in both the cases, is facing serious problems, with investigators finally getting down to grilling inmates of the ashrams in connection with the deaths.
Asaram Bapu may not have had to look back ever since he set up his first kutia or hutment in Motera village here in 1971, but the path had all along been strewn with scandals.
Sindh-born Asaram, who had migrated to Ahmedabad with his parents during Partition, is facing about dozen-odd cases at different places — all of them pertaining to alleged land grabbing by his Sant Asaram Bapu Trust. One of the villagers in Motera, Ashok Thakore, has moved the court to get back five acres of his family’s land allegedly grabbed by the ashram. According to Thakore, the land is situated adjoining the ashram and was used for erecting tents on the Guru Purnima day. Permission to this effect was given by his father to the ashram. After his father’s death, the ashram grabbed it by saying that Thakore’s father had ‘gifted’ it to the ashram. However, the ashram has not been able to substantiate its claim with proofs.
In another case, Anil Vyas, a farmer from Jehangirpura village near Surat, where the ashram is facing several allegations of land grabbing, is fighting a prolonged battle for recovery of his 34,400 square metres of prime land from the ashram. According to Vyas, despite the fact that the ashram’s claim over the land was challenged in the court, the state Government regularised the unauthorised encroachment on January 24, 1997. However, the Gujarat High Court on December 8, 2006, held the regularisation illegal and decreed in favour of the farmer. The Ashram then appealed to the Division Bench against the order.
A Delhi-based widow, Sudarshan Kumari, is also fighting a legal battle against Asaram Bapu whose Trust, she alleges, had fraudulently got some papers signed by her. The paper later turned out to be a ‘gift deed’ to the ashram. The documents say that she has gifted the ground floor of her house in Rajouri Garden, New Delhi, to the ashram. According to her complaint, on July 6, 2000, on the pretext of taking her to Asaram satsang, she was taken to the office of Sub Registrar in Janakpuri, New Delhi. One of the inmates of the ashram, identified as Mani Kaka, hypnotised her and made her sign a number of documents, without allowing her to go through the content. The other person who signed the papers there, according to her, was Narayan Swamy, son of Asaram Bapu. She came to know about the gift deed when officials from the Municipal Committee of Delhi came to confirm it.
The ashram authorities at Rajokri village, near Gurgaon, have allegedly forged documents pertaining to the registration of the ashram. Bhagwani Devi, a resident of Rajokri, has also approached the Delhi High Court levelling allegations of land grabbing against Asaram’s Rajokri ashram.
Even Government agencies have levelled allegations of land grabbing against Asaram’s Trust. A few months ago, the Bihar State Board of Religious Trusts (BSBRT) had served a notice to the Trust’s headquarters in Ahmedabad, asking it to vacate a land belonging to BSBRT, worth Rs 80 crore. And in April 2007, a retired judge of the Patna High Court had filed a criminal complaint in Kadamkuan police station, Patna, alleging grabbing of his land by Asaram Bapu and others.
In Ratlam, Asaram’s Trust had to vacate a piece of land after a prolonged litigation. In January 2007, power theft amounting to Rs 4.7 lakh was detected from his Rajkot ashram.
Despite all these cases and allegations, Asaram Bapu’s popularity is on the rise — particularly among the ruling party politicians in the state. “It is due to the clout of Asaram that no criminal case was registered against any of his ashram-members nor was anyone from the ashram arrested after the two boys of his gurukuls died under mysterious circumstances,” said a rebel BJP leader, requesting anonymity.
The popularity of Asaram can be gauged from the fact that his photographs can be spotted in every government office across the state and even state transport corporation’s buses display his photos and messages.
When the Gujarat Government in 2005 decided to rejuvenate the Saraswati river by filling long tracts of land considered to be the vestiges of the mythical river at Sidhpur town in Mehsana district, Asaram Bapu was the chief guest at the launch of the project. Though there are other religious leaders in the state, inviting him to such a high-profile programme as the chief guest explains the popularity of the man among the ruling party.
Again, when the state Government temporarily launched Vande Gujarat TV channel, telecasting its developmental achievements on the eve of December 2007 Assembly polls, the channel regularly carried footages of Asaram Bapu.
This explains the clout of Asaram Bapu whose religious movement has taken the shape of a cult, having followers in every section of the society. With his influence growing, there are many politicians, including Minister of State for Home Amit Shah, visiting his ashram regularly.

Asaram Ashram Scam

Friday, 7 September 2012

Sant Shri Asaram Ji Bapu booked for slapping cameraman

An FIR was today lodged in Ghaziabad against religious guru Asaram Bapu for allegedly manhandling a cameraman of a news channel. "Asaram Bapu was booked under Section 323 of IPC (voluntarily causing hurt) on the complaint of cameraperson Sachin Kumar," SHO of Kavi Nagar police station

Sudhir Kumar Tyagi said.
As per the FIR, Asaram allegedly slapped Kumar when he failed to follow the religious leader's instruction to capture in camera the congregation during a Samagam (meeting) in Ghaziabad on Sunday evening.

Kumar was taking Asaram's interview when the latter asked him to pan the camera at his followers attending the 'Samagan'. Kumar apparently did not hear Bapu's instruction and was allegedly slapped by him.

Kumar approached the Kavi Nagar police station where the FIR was registered.
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