Restricting the Screen Time for Small Kids
@Artee Anshu
Restricting the Screen time for kid is not easier to do ! phone comes handy when i have to feed her in rush , not able to make myself available to engage her etc.
For limiting the screen time , I pointed what are her favorite activities - Playing in the ground , Coloring, drawing , dancing , listening stories, draping her dolls etc !
While doing this I realized that same applied to me as adult ; Phone beep is key obstacle for applying valuable deep focus !
Artee Anshu
"A Woman of Substance"
A Mother, a Banker and Impact Creator in Making
A Banker who striving to create mammoth Impact in Lending Space !
#Restricting, #ScreenTime, #Kids,
#success, #empowerment, #booklovers, #thoughtfulARTEE,