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Monday, 8 February 2016

The True Measure of Success

You are Essentially who 
You Create Yourself 
To be and all that Occurs in 
Your Life is the 
Result of your own Making 
The True Measure of Success 
is how many times you can
Bounce back from Failure

Sunday, 7 February 2016

The Ultimate Responsibility of the Pilot is to Fulfill the Dreams

The Ultimate Responsibility 
of the Pilot is to Fulfill 
the Dreams of the Countless 
Millions of Earthbound 
Ancestors who could only 
Stare Skyward 
Wish to Fly

In Flying I have Learned that Carelessness and Overconfidence are usually far more Dangerous than Deliberately accepted Risks

In Flying I have Learned 
that Carelessness and 
Overconfidence are usually 
far more Dangerous than 
Deliberately accepted Risks

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Thursday, 4 February 2016

Aptitude to Fly

A Power of Butterfly 
must be -
The Aptitude to Fly
Meadows of Majesty Concedes
Easy Sweeps of Sky
#Without Expectation
#Disappointments are
#Natural in the Life
#motivational quotes from Shekhar Gupta
#motivational quotes images
#motivational quotes of the day

 It was as though they had been
plunged into a fabulous dream.
This, thought Harry, was surely
the only way to travel —
past swirls and turrets of snowy cloud,
in a car full of hot, bright sunlight,
with a fat pack of toffees
in the glove compartment...” 

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Pilot of Our Flight of Life

Knowing is not Enough
We must Apply
Willing is not Enough
We must Do 
We are Still Pilot of 
Our Flight of Life
We are Still Captains 
Of our Souls
Nothing Great was 
Ever Achieved 
Without Enthusiasm

#Inspirational | 

#Motivational | 
#Words of Wisdom

#Self Improvement | 
#Favorite | 

#Sports |
#Happiness | 
#Overcoming Adversity

#Motivating Words | 
#Seize Opportunity

#Time |

#Management | 

Fear of Failure | 

Saving and Spending Money

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

One should keep Very High Expectations

Without Expectation 
there will not be a Life
Disappointments are 
Natural in the Life
Have to Accept and Bear 
One should keep 
Very High Expectations 
But not from Someone 
Else from Oneself

#Without Expectation 
#Disappointments are 
#Natural in the Life
#motivational quotes from Shekhar Gupta
#motivational quotes images
#motivational quotes of the day

Monday, 1 February 2016

I had a Dream to Fly High I am a Pilot Today :-)

Challenge Yourself with something 
You know You could Never do
And what You’ll find is that 
You can Overcome Anything You Try
Aviation is Proof that Given, 
The Will, We have the Capacity 
to Achieve the ImPossible.
I had a Dream to Fly High
I am a Pilot Today :-) 


I had a Dream to Fly High,
I am a Pilot Today, 
#motivational quotes from Shekhar Gupta
#motivational quotes images
#motivational quotes of the day

Sunday, 31 January 2016

We must Remember our Aim

Whatever We Do
We must Remember our Aim 
at Every Moment 
If You Dream to 
Fly with Eagles 
Don't waste Time 
In Swimming with Ducks

#motivational quotes
#motivational quotes from Shekhar Gupta
#motivational quotes images
#motivational quotes of the day
#motivational thoughts
#motivational quotes for students
#life quotes
#inspirational quotes

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

My best wishes for the holiday season!

Dear Capt. Shekhar,

My best wishes for the holiday season!

I’m writing to you from France, watching the sun set behind snow-capped mountains.  For the last five months, I’ve been living with my family in a small hamlet in the French Alps.  It’s a beautiful place and I’ll be sorry to say good bye when we head back to Canada in January.  For me, I will have been overseas for 15 months, first in Nigeria and now here in France.  In Nigeria, I was working as a management consultant with Manitoba Hydro International as part of the management team for the electrical Transmission Company of Nigeria.  It was a great assignment with great people and the opportunity to lead the procurement of a major ERP system. My family stayed in Canada, but we holidayed together in Punta Cana and South Africa and, after the assignment, we all met up for a few weeks in London before settling down in rural France.
While here, my kids have been in the local school, learning about the intricacies of French Education, while my wife and I hiked the mountain passes and skied the glaciers.  Taking advantage that everything in Europe is so close, we’ve introduced the kids to Rome, Venice, Aix-en-Provence, Avignon, Paris and Lyon.  Its been great to reconnect as a family and we’ve been lucky to make  good friends in the village here. 
When not hiking or skiing, I’ve been spending my time working on an open-source ERP project that I am tailoring for an aviation business.  Its called ADempiere and is a full-featured ERP system for companies. Because it is open-sourced, the software license is free and can be customized to suit specific businesses – It’s all very exciting and I’d be happy to share with you my experience!
This is our family’s first Christmas away from Canada and it brings to mind how much we appreciate the love and support of our friends and family -  I hope your holiday season is also full of joy.

Michael McKay

Happy Landings

Capt Shekhar Gupta
AeroSoft Corp