The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), pronounced, (in French: Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale, OACI), is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly growth. Its headquarters are located in the Quartier International of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
The ICAO Council adopts standards and recommended practices concerning air navigation, its infrastructure, flight inspection, prevention of unlawful interference, and facilitation of border-crossing procedures for international civil aviation. In addition, the ICAO defines the protocols for air accident investigation followed by transport safety authorities in countries signatory to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, commonly known as the Chicago Convention.
The Air Navigation Commission (ANC) is the technical body within ICAO. The Commission is composed of 19 Commissioners, appointed by the Council. Commissioners serve as independent experts, who although nominated by their states, do not serve as state or political representatives. The development of Aviation Standards and Recommended Practices is done under the direction of the ANC through the formal process of ICAO Panels. Once approved by the Commission, standards are sent to the Council, the political body of ICAO, for consultation and coordination with the Member States before final adoption.
Prefix code Country
A - Western South Pacific
AG Solomon Islands
AN Nauru
AY Papua New Guinea
B - Iceland/Greenland and Kosovo
BG Greenland
BI Iceland
BK Kosovo
C - Canada
C Canada
D - West Africa
DA Algeria
DB Benin
DF Burkina Faso
DG Ghana
DI Côte d'Ivoire
DN Nigeria
DR Niger
DT Tunisia
DX Togolese Republic
E - Northern Europe
EB Belgium
ED Germany (civil)
EE Estonia
EF Finland
EG United Kingdom
EH Netherlands
EI Ireland
EK Denmark
EL Luxembourg
EN Norway
EP Poland
ES Sweden
ET Germany (military)
EV Latvia
EY Lithuania
F - Southern Africa
FA South Africa
FB Botswana
FC Republic of the Congo
FD Swaziland
FE Central African Republic
FG Equatorial Guinea
FH Ascension Island
FI Mauritius
FJ British Indian Ocean Territory
FK Cameroon
FL Zambia
FM Comoros, Madagascar, Mayotte, Réunion
FN Angola
FO Gabon
FP São Tomé and Príncipe
FQ Mozambique
FS Seychelles
FT Chad
FV Zimbabwe
FW Malawi
FX Lesotho
FY Namibia
FZ Democratic Republic of the Congo
G - Northwestern Africa
GA Mali
GB The Gambia
GC Spain (Canary Islands)
GE Spain (Ceuta and Melilla)
GF Sierra Leone
GG Guinea-Bissau
GL Liberia
GM Morocco
GO Senegal
GQ Mauritania
GS Western Sahara
GU Guinea
GV Cape Verde
H - Northeastern Africa
HA Ethiopia
HB Burundi
HC Somalia (including Somaliland because of disputes)
HD Djibouti (also HF)
HE Egypt
HF Djibouti (also HD)
HH Eritrea
HK Kenya
HL Libya
HR Rwanda
HS Sudan and South Sudan
HT Tanzania
HU Uganda
K - United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii)
K Contiguous United States
L - Southern Europe, Israel and Turkey
LA Albania
LB Bulgaria
LC Cyprus
LD Croatia
LE Spain
LF France, including Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
LG Greece
LH Hungary
LI Italy
LJ Slovenia
LK Czech Republic
LL Israel
LM Malta
LN Monaco
LO Austria
LP Portugal, including the Azores and Madeira
LQ Bosnia and Herzegovina
LR Romania
LS Switzerland
LT Turkey
LU Moldova
LV Areas Under the Control of the Palestinian Authority
LW Macedonia
LX Gibraltar
LY Serbia and Montenegro
LZ Slovakia
M - Central America and Mexico
MB Turks and Caicos Islands
MD Dominican Republic
MG Guatemala
MH Honduras
MK Jamaica
MM Mexico
MN Nicaragua
MP Panama
MR Costa Rica
MS El Salvador
MT Haiti
MU Cuba
MW Cayman Islands
MY Bahamas
MZ Belize
N - South Pacific
NC Cook Islands
NF Fiji, Tonga
NG Kiribati (Gilbert Islands), Tuvalu
NI Niue
NL France (Wallis and Futuna)
NS Samoa, USA (American Samoa)
NT France (French Polynesia)
NV Vanuatu
NW France (New Caledonia)
NZ New Zealand, Antarctica
O - Southwest Asia (excluding Israel and Turkey)
OA Afghanistan
OB Bahrain
OE Saudi Arabia
OI Iran
OJ Jordan and the West Bank
OK Kuwait
OL Lebanon
OM United Arab Emirates
OO Oman
OP Pakistan
OR Iraq
OS Syria
OT Qatar
OY Yemen
P - Eastern North Pacific
PA USA (Alaska only)
PB USA (Baker Island)
PC Kiribati (Canton Airfield, Phoenix Islands)
PF USA (Fort Yukon, Alaska)
PG USA (Guam, Northern Marianas)
PH USA (Hawaii only)
PJ USA (Johnston Atoll)
PK USA (Marshall Islands)
PL Kiribati (Line Islands)
PM USA (Midway Island)
PO USA (Oliktok Point, Alaska)
PP USA (Point Lay, Alaska)
PT Federated States of Micronesia, Palau
PW USA (Wake Island)
R - Western North Pacific
RC Republic of China (Taiwan)
RJ Japan (most of country)
RK South Korea
RO Japan (Okinawa Prefecture and Yoron)
RP Philippines
S - South America
SA Argentina
SB Brazil (also SD, SI, SJ, SN, SS and SW)
SC Chile
SD Brazil (also SB, SI, SJ, SN, SS and SW)
SE Ecuador
SF UK (Falkland Islands)
SG Paraguay
SI Brazil (also SB, SD, SJ, SN, SS and SW)
SJ Brazil (also SB, SD, SI, SN, SS and SW)
SK Colombia
SL Bolivia
SM Suriname
SN Brazil (also SB, SD, SI, SJ, SS and SW)
SO French Guiana
SP Peru
SS Brazil (also SB, SD, SI, SJ, SN and SW)
SU Uruguay
SV Venezuela
SW Brazil (also SB, SD, SI, SJ, SN and SS)
SY Guyana
T - Caribbean
TA Antigua and Barbuda
TB Barbados
TD Dominica
TF France (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin)
TG Grenada
TI USA (U.S. Virgin Islands)
TJ USA (Puerto Rico)
TK Saint Kitts and Nevis
TL Saint Lucia
TN Caribbean Netherlands, Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Sint Maarten
TQ UK (Anguilla)
TR UK (Montserrat)
TT Trinidad and Tobago
TU UK (British Virgin Islands)
TV Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
TX UK (Bermuda)
U - Russia and former Soviet States
U Russia (except UA, UB, UD, UG, UK, UM and UT)
UA Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
UB Azerbaijan
UD Armenia
UG Georgia
UK Ukraine
UM Belarus and Kaliningrad, Russia
UT Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
V - South Asia (except Pakistan), mainland Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Macau
VA India (West Zone, Mumbai Center)
VC Sri Lanka
VD Cambodia
VE India (East Zone, Kolkata Center)
VG Bangladesh
VH Hong Kong
VI India (North Zone, Delhi Center)
VL Laos
VM Macau
VN Nepal
VO India (South Zone, Chennai Center)
VQ Bhutan
VR Maldives
VT Thailand
VV Vietnam
VY Myanmar
W - Maritime Southeast Asia (except the Philippines)
WA Indonesia (also WI, WQ and WR)
WB Malaysia (East Malaysia), Brunei
WI Indonesia (also WA, WQ and WR)
WM Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
WP Timor-Leste
WQ Indonesia (also WA, WI and WR)
WR Indonesia (also WA, WI and WQ)
WS Singapore
Y - Australia
Y Australia
Z - East Asia (excluding Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, South Korea and Taiwan)
Z People's Republic of China (except ZK and ZM)
ZK North Korea
ZM Mongolia
The ICAO aircraft type designator is a three- or four-character alphanumeric code designating every aircraft type (and some sub-types) that may appear in flight planning. These codes are defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization, and published in ICAO Document 8643 Aircraft Type Designators. ICAO codes are used by air traffic control and airline operations such as flight planning. They are not the same as the IATA codes encountered by the general public, which are used for airline timetables, etc.
The following is a partial list of ICAO type designators for aircraft used, or formerly used, by airlines.
Code Description
A124 Antonov AN-124 Ruslan
A140 Antonov AN-140
A306 Airbus A300-600
A30B Airbus A300
A310 Airbus A310
A318 Airbus A318
A319 Airbus A319
A320 Airbus A320
A321 Airbus A321
A330 Airbus A330
A332 Airbus A330-200
A333 Airbus A330-300
A340 Airbus A340
A342 Airbus A340-200
A343 Airbus A340-300
A345 Airbus A340-500
A346 Airbus A340-600
A3ST Airbus A300-600ST Beluga Freighter
A748 Hawker Siddeley HS 748
AC68 Gulfstream/Rockwell (Aero) Commander
AC90 Gulfstream/Rockwell (Aero) Turbo Commander
AN12 Antonov AN-12
AN24 Antonov AN-24
AN26 Antonov AN-26
AN28 Antonov AN-28
AN30 Antonov AN-30
AN32 Antonov AN-32
AN72 Antonov AN-72 / AN-74
AS32 Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma
AT43 Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 42-300 / 320
AT45 Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 42-500
AT72 Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72
AT73 Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72-200 series
AT75 Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72-500
AT76 Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72-600
ATP British Aerospace ATP
B105 Eurocopter (MBB) Bo.105
B190 Beechcraft 1900
B212 Bell 212
B412 Bell 412
B429 Bell 429
B461 BAe 146-100
B462 BAe 146-200
B463 BAe 146-300
B703 Boeing 707
B712 Boeing 717
B720 Boeing 720B
B721 Boeing 727-100
B722 Boeing 727-200
B731 Boeing 737-100
B732 Boeing 737-200
B733 Boeing 737-300
B734 Boeing 737-400
B735 Boeing 737-500
B736 Boeing 737-600
B737 Boeing 737-700
B738 Boeing 737-800
B739 Boeing 737-900
B741 Boeing 747-100
B742 Boeing 747-200
B743 Boeing 747-300
B744 Boeing 747-400
B74R Boeing 747SR
B752 Boeing 757-200
B753 Boeing 757-300
B762 Boeing 767-200
B763 Boeing 767-300
B764 Boeing 767-400
B772 Boeing 777-200
B773 Boeing 777-300
BA11 British Aerospace (BAC) One Eleven
BELF Shorts SC-5 Belfast
BN2P Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2A/B Islander
C130 Lockheed L-182 / 282 / 382 (L-100) Hercules
C212 CASA / IPTN 212 Aviocar
C46 Curtiss C-46 Commando
CL44 Canadair CL-44
CL60 Canadair Challenger
CONC Aerospatiale/BAC Concorde
CONI Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation
COUC Helio H-250 Courier / H-295 / 385 Super Courier
CRJ1 Canadair Regional Jet 100
CRJ2 Canadair Regional Jet 200
CRJ7 Canadair Regional Jet 700
CRJ9 Canadair Regional Jet 900
CVLP Convair CV-240 & -440
CVLT Convair CV-580
D228 Fairchild Dornier Do.228
D328 Fairchild Dornier Do.328
DC10 Douglas DC-10
DC3 Douglas DC-3
DC6 Douglas DC-6
DC85 Douglas DC-8-50
DC86 Douglas DC-8-62
DC87 Douglas DC-8-72
DC9 Douglas DC-9
DC91 Douglas DC-9-10
DC92 Douglas DC-9-20
DC93 Douglas DC-9-30
DC94 Douglas DC-9-40
DC95 Douglas DC-9-50
DH2T De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Turbo-Beaver
DH8A De Havilland Canada DHC-8-100 Dash 8 / 8Q
DH8B De Havilland Canada DHC-8-200 Dash 8 / 8Q
DH8C De Havilland Canada DHC-8-300 Dash 8 / 8Q
DH8D De Havilland Canada DHC-8-400 Dash 8Q
DHC2 De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver
DHC3 De Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otter
DHC4 De Havilland Canada DHC-4 Caribou
DHC6 De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter
DHC7 De Havilland Canada DHC-7 Dash 7
DOVE De Havilland DH.104 Dove
E110 Embraer EMB 110 Bandeirante
E120 Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia
E135 Embraer RJ135
E145 Embraer RJ145
E170 Embraer 170
E190 Embraer 190
EC25 Eurocopter EC225 Super Puma
EC45 Eurocopter EC145
EXPL MD Helicopters MD900 Explorer
F100 Fokker 100
F27 Fokker F27 Friendship
F28 Fokker F28 Fellowship
F50 Fokker 50
F70 Fokker 70
G159 Gulfstream Aerospace G-159 Gulfstream I
G21 Grumman G-21 Goose
G73T Grumman G-73 Turbo Mallard
GLEX Canadair Global Express
GLF6 Gulfstream G650
HERN De Havilland DH.114 Heron
I114 Ilyushin IL114
IL18 Ilyushin IL18
IL62 Ilyushin IL62
IL76 Ilyushin IL76
IL86 Ilyushin IL86
IL96 Ilyushin IL96
J328 Fairchild Dornier 328JET
JS31 British Aerospace Jetstream 31
JS32 British Aerospace Jetstream 32
JS41 British Aerospace Jetstream 41
JU52 Junkers Ju52/3M
L101 Lockheed L-1011 Tristar
L188 Lockheed L-188 Electra
L410 LET 410
LOAD Ayres LM200 Loadmaster
MD11 McDonnell Douglas MD-11
MD80 McDonnell Douglas MD-80
MD81 McDonnell Douglas MD-81
MD82 McDonnell Douglas MD-82
MD83 McDonnell Douglas MD-83
MD87 McDonnell Douglas MD-87
MD88 McDonnell Douglas MD-88
MD90 McDonnell Douglas MD-90
MI8 MIL Mi-8 / Mi-17 / Mi-171 / Mil-172
MU2 Mitsubishi Mu-2
N262 Aerospatiale (Nord) 262
N74S Boeing 747SP
NOMA Government Aircraft Factories N22B / N24A Nomad
P68 Partenavia P.68
PC12 Pilatus PC-12
PC6T Pilatus PC-6 Turbo Porter
RJ1H Avro RJ100
RJ70 Avro RJ70
RJ85 Avro RJ85
RX1H Avro RJX100
RX85 Avro RJX85
S210 Aerospatiale (Sud Aviation) Se.210 Caravelle
S58T Sikorsky S-58T
S601 Aerospatiale SN.601 Corvette
S61 Sikorsky S-61
S65C Eurocopter (Aerospatiale) SA365C / SA365N Dauphin 2
S76 Sikorsky S-76
S92 Sikorsky S-92
SB20 Saab 2000
SC7 Shorts SC-7 Skyvan
SF34 Saab SF340A/B
SH33 Shorts SD.330
SH36 Shorts SD.360
T134 Tupolev Tu-134
T154 Tupolev Tu-154
T204 Tupolev Tu-204 / Tu-214
TRIS Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2A Mk III Trislander
VISC Vickers Viscount
WW24 Israel Aircraft Industries 1124 Westwind
Y12 Harbin Yunshuji Y12
YK40 Yakovlev Yak-40
YK42 Yakovlev Yak-42
ICAO members are 191 of the United Nations members and the Cook Islands.
The non-member states are Dominica, Liechtenstein, Niue, Tuvalu, Vatican City, and the states with limited recognition.
Afghanistan 19 November 1946
Albania 14 December 1955
Algeria 8 October 1962
Andorra 28 July 1993
Angola 1 December 1976
Antigua and Barbuda 11 November 1981
Argentina 24 October 1945
Armenia 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Australia 1 November 1945 Australia and the United Nations
Austria 14 December 1955
Azerbaijan 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Bahamas 18 September 1973
Bahrain 21 September 1971
Bangladesh 17 September 1974
Barbados 9 December 1966
Belarus 24 October 1945 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Belgium 27 December 1945
Belize 25 September 1981
Benin [note 1] 20 September 1960
Bhutan 21 September 1971
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) [note 2] 14 November 1945
Bosnia and Herzegovina 22 May 1992 Former members: Yugoslavia
Botswana 17 October 1966
Brazil 24 October 1945 Brazil and the United Nations
Brunei Darussalam 21 September 1984
Bulgaria 14 December 1955
Burkina Faso [note 3] 20 September 1960
Burundi 18 September 1962
Cambodia [note 4] 14 December 1955
Cameroon [note 5] 20 September 1960
Canada 9 November 1945 Canada and the United Nations
Cape Verde 16 September 1975
Central African Republic [note 6] 20 September 1960
Chad 20 September 1960
Chile 24 October 1945
China 24 October 1945 Former members: Republic of China and China and the United Nations
Colombia 5 November 1945
Comoros 12 November 1975
Congo [note 7] 20 September 1960
Democratic Republic of the Congo [note 8] 20 September 1960
Costa Rica 2 November 1945
Côte d'Ivoire [note 9] 20 September 1960
Croatia 22 May 1992 Former members: Yugoslavia
Cuba 24 October 1945
Cyprus 20 September 1960
Czech Republic 19 January 1993 Former members: Czechoslovakia
Denmark 24 October 1945
Djibouti 20 September 1977
Dominica 18 December 1978
Dominican Republic 24 October 1945
Ecuador 21 December 1945
Egypt 24 October 1945 Former members: United Arab Republic
El Salvador 24 October 1945
Equatorial Guinea 12 November 1968
Eritrea 28 May 1993
Estonia 17 September 1991 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Ethiopia 13 November 1945
Fiji 13 October 1970 Fiji and the United Nations
Finland 14 December 1955
France 24 October 1945 France and the United Nations
Gabon 20 September 1960
Gambia [note 10] 21 September 1965
Georgia 31 July 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Germany 18 September 1973 Former members: Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic Republic and Germany and the United Nations
Ghana 8 March 1957
Greece 25 October 1945
Grenada 17 September 1974
Guatemala 21 November 1945
Guinea 12 December 1958
Guinea-Bissau 17 September 1974
Guyana 20 September 1966
Haiti 24 October 1945
Honduras 17 December 1945
Hungary 14 December 1955
Iceland 19 November 1946
India 30 October 1945 India and the United Nations
Indonesia 28 September 1950 Withdrawal of Indonesia (1965–1966)
Iran (Islamic Republic of) [note 11] 24 October 1945
Iraq 21 December 1945
Ireland 14 December 1955
Israel 11 May 1949 Israel, Palestine, and the United Nations
Italy 14 December 1955
Jamaica 18 September 1962
Japan 18 December 1956 Japan and the United Nations
Jordan 14 December 1955
Kazakhstan [note 12] 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Kenya 16 December 1963
Kiribati 14 September 1999
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 17 September 1991
Republic of Korea 17 September 1991
Kuwait 14 May 1963
Kyrgyzstan 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Lao People's Democratic Republic [note 13] 14 December 1955
Latvia 17 September 1991 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Lebanon 24 October 1945
Lesotho 17 October 1966
Liberia 2 November 1945
Libya[13][note 14] 14 December 1955
Liechtenstein 18 September 1990
Lithuania 17 September 1991 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Luxembourg 24 October 1945
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 8 April 1993 Former members: Yugoslavia
Madagascar [note 15] 20 September 1960
Malawi 1 December 1964
Malaysia [note 16] 17 September 1957
Maldives [note 17] 21 September 1965
Mali 28 September 1960
Malta 1 December 1964
Marshall Islands 17 September 1991 Marshall Islands and the United Nations
Mauritania 27 October 1961
Mauritius 24 April 1968
Mexico 7 November 1945
Micronesia (Federated States of) 17 September 1991 Federated States of Micronesia and the United Nations
Republic of Moldova [note 18] 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Monaco 28 May 1993
Mongolia 27 October 1961
Montenegro 28 June 2006 Former members: Yugoslavia
Morocco 12 November 1956
Mozambique 16 September 1975
Myanmar [note 19] 19 April 1948
Namibia 23 April 1990
Nauru 14 September 1999
Nepal 14 December 1955
Netherlands 10 December 1945
New Zealand 24 October 1945 New Zealand and the United Nations
Nicaragua 24 October 1945
Niger 20 September 1960
Nigeria 7 October 1960
Norway 27 November 1945
Oman 7 October 1971
Pakistan 30 September 1947 Pakistan and the United Nations
Palau 15 December 1994
Panama 13 November 1945
Papua New Guinea 10 October 1975
Paraguay 24 October 1945
Peru 31 October 1945
Philippines [note 20] 24 October 1945
Poland 24 October 1945
Portugal 14 December 1955
Qatar 21 September 1971
Romania 14 December 1955
Russian Federation 24 October 1945 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Russia and the United Nations
Rwanda 18 September 1962
Saint Kitts and Nevis [note 21] 23 September 1983
Saint Lucia 18 September 1979
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 16 September 1980
Samoa 15 December 1976
San Marino 2 March 1992
Sao Tome and Principe [note 22] 16 September 1975
Saudi Arabia 24 October 1945
Senegal 28 September 1960
Serbia 1 November 2000 Former members: Yugoslavia
Seychelles 21 September 1976
Sierra Leone 27 September 1961
Singapore 21 September 1965
Slovakia 19 January 1993 Former members: Czechoslovakia
Slovenia 22 May 1992 Former members: Yugoslavia
Solomon Islands 19 September 1978
Somalia 20 September 1960
South Africa [note 23] 7 November 1945
South Sudan 14 July 2011
Spain 14 December 1955
Sri Lanka [note 24] 14 December 1955
Sudan 12 November 1956
Suriname [note 25] 4 December 1975
Swaziland 24 September 1968
Sweden 19 November 1946
Switzerland 10 September 2002
Syrian Arab Republic 24 October 1945 Former members: United Arab Republic
Tajikistan 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Republic of Tanzania 14 December 1961 Former members: Tanganyika and Zanzibar
Thailand [note 26] 16 December 1946
Timor-Leste 27 September 2002
Togo 20 September 1960
Tonga 14 September 1999
Trinidad and Tobago 18 September 1962
Tunisia 12 November 1956
Turkey 24 October 1945
Turkmenistan 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Tuvalu 5 September 2000
Uganda 25 October 1962
Ukraine 24 October 1945 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Arab Emirates 9 December 1971
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 24 October 1945 United Kingdom and the United Nations
United States of America 24 October 1945 United States and the United Nations
Uruguay 18 December 1945
Uzbekistan 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Vanuatu 15 September 1981 Vanuatu and the United Nations
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) [note 27] 15 November 1945
Viet Nam 20 September 1977
Yemen 30 September 1947 Former members: Yemen and Democratic Yemen
Zambia 1 December 1964
Zimbabwe 25 August 1980
Stop Dreaming ......
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), pronounced, (in French: Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale, OACI), is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly growth. Its headquarters are located in the Quartier International of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
The ICAO Council adopts standards and recommended practices concerning air navigation, its infrastructure, flight inspection, prevention of unlawful interference, and facilitation of border-crossing procedures for international civil aviation. In addition, the ICAO defines the protocols for air accident investigation followed by transport safety authorities in countries signatory to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, commonly known as the Chicago Convention.
The Air Navigation Commission (ANC) is the technical body within ICAO. The Commission is composed of 19 Commissioners, appointed by the Council. Commissioners serve as independent experts, who although nominated by their states, do not serve as state or political representatives. The development of Aviation Standards and Recommended Practices is done under the direction of the ANC through the formal process of ICAO Panels. Once approved by the Commission, standards are sent to the Council, the political body of ICAO, for consultation and coordination with the Member States before final adoption.
Prefix code Country
A - Western South Pacific
AG Solomon Islands
AN Nauru
AY Papua New Guinea
B - Iceland/Greenland and Kosovo
BG Greenland
BI Iceland
BK Kosovo
C - Canada
C Canada
D - West Africa
DA Algeria
DB Benin
DF Burkina Faso
DG Ghana
DI Côte d'Ivoire
DN Nigeria
DR Niger
DT Tunisia
DX Togolese Republic
E - Northern Europe
EB Belgium
ED Germany (civil)
EE Estonia
EF Finland
EG United Kingdom
EH Netherlands
EI Ireland
EK Denmark
EL Luxembourg
EN Norway
EP Poland
ES Sweden
ET Germany (military)
EV Latvia
EY Lithuania
F - Southern Africa
FA South Africa
FB Botswana
FC Republic of the Congo
FD Swaziland
FE Central African Republic
FG Equatorial Guinea
FH Ascension Island
FI Mauritius
FJ British Indian Ocean Territory
FK Cameroon
FL Zambia
FM Comoros, Madagascar, Mayotte, Réunion
FN Angola
FO Gabon
FP São Tomé and Príncipe
FQ Mozambique
FS Seychelles
FT Chad
FV Zimbabwe
FW Malawi
FX Lesotho
FY Namibia
FZ Democratic Republic of the Congo
G - Northwestern Africa
GA Mali
GB The Gambia
GC Spain (Canary Islands)
GE Spain (Ceuta and Melilla)
GF Sierra Leone
GG Guinea-Bissau
GL Liberia
GM Morocco
GO Senegal
GQ Mauritania
GS Western Sahara
GU Guinea
GV Cape Verde
H - Northeastern Africa
HA Ethiopia
HB Burundi
HC Somalia (including Somaliland because of disputes)
HD Djibouti (also HF)
HE Egypt
HF Djibouti (also HD)
HH Eritrea
HK Kenya
HL Libya
HR Rwanda
HS Sudan and South Sudan
HT Tanzania
HU Uganda
K - United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii)
K Contiguous United States
L - Southern Europe, Israel and Turkey
LA Albania
LB Bulgaria
LC Cyprus
LD Croatia
LE Spain
LF France, including Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
LG Greece
LH Hungary
LI Italy
LJ Slovenia
LK Czech Republic
LL Israel
LM Malta
LN Monaco
LO Austria
LP Portugal, including the Azores and Madeira
LQ Bosnia and Herzegovina
LR Romania
LS Switzerland
LT Turkey
LU Moldova
LV Areas Under the Control of the Palestinian Authority
LW Macedonia
LX Gibraltar
LY Serbia and Montenegro
LZ Slovakia
M - Central America and Mexico
MB Turks and Caicos Islands
MD Dominican Republic
MG Guatemala
MH Honduras
MK Jamaica
MM Mexico
MN Nicaragua
MP Panama
MR Costa Rica
MS El Salvador
MT Haiti
MU Cuba
MW Cayman Islands
MY Bahamas
MZ Belize
N - South Pacific
NC Cook Islands
NF Fiji, Tonga
NG Kiribati (Gilbert Islands), Tuvalu
NI Niue
NL France (Wallis and Futuna)
NS Samoa, USA (American Samoa)
NT France (French Polynesia)
NV Vanuatu
NW France (New Caledonia)
NZ New Zealand, Antarctica
O - Southwest Asia (excluding Israel and Turkey)
OA Afghanistan
OB Bahrain
OE Saudi Arabia
OI Iran
OJ Jordan and the West Bank
OK Kuwait
OL Lebanon
OM United Arab Emirates
OO Oman
OP Pakistan
OR Iraq
OS Syria
OT Qatar
OY Yemen
P - Eastern North Pacific
PA USA (Alaska only)
PB USA (Baker Island)
PC Kiribati (Canton Airfield, Phoenix Islands)
PF USA (Fort Yukon, Alaska)
PG USA (Guam, Northern Marianas)
PH USA (Hawaii only)
PJ USA (Johnston Atoll)
PK USA (Marshall Islands)
PL Kiribati (Line Islands)
PM USA (Midway Island)
PO USA (Oliktok Point, Alaska)
PP USA (Point Lay, Alaska)
PT Federated States of Micronesia, Palau
PW USA (Wake Island)
R - Western North Pacific
RC Republic of China (Taiwan)
RJ Japan (most of country)
RK South Korea
RO Japan (Okinawa Prefecture and Yoron)
RP Philippines
S - South America
SA Argentina
SB Brazil (also SD, SI, SJ, SN, SS and SW)
SC Chile
SD Brazil (also SB, SI, SJ, SN, SS and SW)
SE Ecuador
SF UK (Falkland Islands)
SG Paraguay
SI Brazil (also SB, SD, SJ, SN, SS and SW)
SJ Brazil (also SB, SD, SI, SN, SS and SW)
SK Colombia
SL Bolivia
SM Suriname
SN Brazil (also SB, SD, SI, SJ, SS and SW)
SO French Guiana
SP Peru
SS Brazil (also SB, SD, SI, SJ, SN and SW)
SU Uruguay
SV Venezuela
SW Brazil (also SB, SD, SI, SJ, SN and SS)
SY Guyana
T - Caribbean
TA Antigua and Barbuda
TB Barbados
TD Dominica
TF France (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin)
TG Grenada
TI USA (U.S. Virgin Islands)
TJ USA (Puerto Rico)
TK Saint Kitts and Nevis
TL Saint Lucia
TN Caribbean Netherlands, Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Sint Maarten
TQ UK (Anguilla)
TR UK (Montserrat)
TT Trinidad and Tobago
TU UK (British Virgin Islands)
TV Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
TX UK (Bermuda)
U - Russia and former Soviet States
U Russia (except UA, UB, UD, UG, UK, UM and UT)
UA Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
UB Azerbaijan
UD Armenia
UG Georgia
UK Ukraine
UM Belarus and Kaliningrad, Russia
UT Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
V - South Asia (except Pakistan), mainland Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Macau
VA India (West Zone, Mumbai Center)
VC Sri Lanka
VD Cambodia
VE India (East Zone, Kolkata Center)
VG Bangladesh
VH Hong Kong
VI India (North Zone, Delhi Center)
VL Laos
VM Macau
VN Nepal
VO India (South Zone, Chennai Center)
VQ Bhutan
VR Maldives
VT Thailand
VV Vietnam
VY Myanmar
W - Maritime Southeast Asia (except the Philippines)
WA Indonesia (also WI, WQ and WR)
WB Malaysia (East Malaysia), Brunei
WI Indonesia (also WA, WQ and WR)
WM Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia)
WP Timor-Leste
WQ Indonesia (also WA, WI and WR)
WR Indonesia (also WA, WI and WQ)
WS Singapore
Y - Australia
Y Australia
Z - East Asia (excluding Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, South Korea and Taiwan)
Z People's Republic of China (except ZK and ZM)
ZK North Korea
ZM Mongolia
The ICAO aircraft type designator is a three- or four-character alphanumeric code designating every aircraft type (and some sub-types) that may appear in flight planning. These codes are defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization, and published in ICAO Document 8643 Aircraft Type Designators. ICAO codes are used by air traffic control and airline operations such as flight planning. They are not the same as the IATA codes encountered by the general public, which are used for airline timetables, etc.
The following is a partial list of ICAO type designators for aircraft used, or formerly used, by airlines.
Code Description
A124 Antonov AN-124 Ruslan
A140 Antonov AN-140
A306 Airbus A300-600
A30B Airbus A300
A310 Airbus A310
A318 Airbus A318
A319 Airbus A319
A320 Airbus A320
A321 Airbus A321
A330 Airbus A330
A332 Airbus A330-200
A333 Airbus A330-300
A340 Airbus A340
A342 Airbus A340-200
A343 Airbus A340-300
A345 Airbus A340-500
A346 Airbus A340-600
A3ST Airbus A300-600ST Beluga Freighter
A748 Hawker Siddeley HS 748
AC68 Gulfstream/Rockwell (Aero) Commander
AC90 Gulfstream/Rockwell (Aero) Turbo Commander
AN12 Antonov AN-12
AN24 Antonov AN-24
AN26 Antonov AN-26
AN28 Antonov AN-28
AN30 Antonov AN-30
AN32 Antonov AN-32
AN72 Antonov AN-72 / AN-74
AS32 Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma
AT43 Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 42-300 / 320
AT45 Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 42-500
AT72 Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72
AT73 Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72-200 series
AT75 Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72-500
AT76 Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR 72-600
ATP British Aerospace ATP
B105 Eurocopter (MBB) Bo.105
B190 Beechcraft 1900
B212 Bell 212
B412 Bell 412
B429 Bell 429
B461 BAe 146-100
B462 BAe 146-200
B463 BAe 146-300
B703 Boeing 707
B712 Boeing 717
B720 Boeing 720B
B721 Boeing 727-100
B722 Boeing 727-200
B731 Boeing 737-100
B732 Boeing 737-200
B733 Boeing 737-300
B734 Boeing 737-400
B735 Boeing 737-500
B736 Boeing 737-600
B737 Boeing 737-700
B738 Boeing 737-800
B739 Boeing 737-900
B741 Boeing 747-100
B742 Boeing 747-200
B743 Boeing 747-300
B744 Boeing 747-400
B74R Boeing 747SR
B752 Boeing 757-200
B753 Boeing 757-300
B762 Boeing 767-200
B763 Boeing 767-300
B764 Boeing 767-400
B772 Boeing 777-200
B773 Boeing 777-300
BA11 British Aerospace (BAC) One Eleven
BELF Shorts SC-5 Belfast
BN2P Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2A/B Islander
C130 Lockheed L-182 / 282 / 382 (L-100) Hercules
C212 CASA / IPTN 212 Aviocar
C46 Curtiss C-46 Commando
CL44 Canadair CL-44
CL60 Canadair Challenger
CONC Aerospatiale/BAC Concorde
CONI Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation
COUC Helio H-250 Courier / H-295 / 385 Super Courier
CRJ1 Canadair Regional Jet 100
CRJ2 Canadair Regional Jet 200
CRJ7 Canadair Regional Jet 700
CRJ9 Canadair Regional Jet 900
CVLP Convair CV-240 & -440
CVLT Convair CV-580
D228 Fairchild Dornier Do.228
D328 Fairchild Dornier Do.328
DC10 Douglas DC-10
DC3 Douglas DC-3
DC6 Douglas DC-6
DC85 Douglas DC-8-50
DC86 Douglas DC-8-62
DC87 Douglas DC-8-72
DC9 Douglas DC-9
DC91 Douglas DC-9-10
DC92 Douglas DC-9-20
DC93 Douglas DC-9-30
DC94 Douglas DC-9-40
DC95 Douglas DC-9-50
DH2T De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Turbo-Beaver
DH8A De Havilland Canada DHC-8-100 Dash 8 / 8Q
DH8B De Havilland Canada DHC-8-200 Dash 8 / 8Q
DH8C De Havilland Canada DHC-8-300 Dash 8 / 8Q
DH8D De Havilland Canada DHC-8-400 Dash 8Q
DHC2 De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver
DHC3 De Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otter
DHC4 De Havilland Canada DHC-4 Caribou
DHC6 De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter
DHC7 De Havilland Canada DHC-7 Dash 7
DOVE De Havilland DH.104 Dove
E110 Embraer EMB 110 Bandeirante
E120 Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia
E135 Embraer RJ135
E145 Embraer RJ145
E170 Embraer 170
E190 Embraer 190
EC25 Eurocopter EC225 Super Puma
EC45 Eurocopter EC145
EXPL MD Helicopters MD900 Explorer
F100 Fokker 100
F27 Fokker F27 Friendship
F28 Fokker F28 Fellowship
F50 Fokker 50
F70 Fokker 70
G159 Gulfstream Aerospace G-159 Gulfstream I
G21 Grumman G-21 Goose
G73T Grumman G-73 Turbo Mallard
GLEX Canadair Global Express
GLF6 Gulfstream G650
HERN De Havilland DH.114 Heron
I114 Ilyushin IL114
IL18 Ilyushin IL18
IL62 Ilyushin IL62
IL76 Ilyushin IL76
IL86 Ilyushin IL86
IL96 Ilyushin IL96
J328 Fairchild Dornier 328JET
JS31 British Aerospace Jetstream 31
JS32 British Aerospace Jetstream 32
JS41 British Aerospace Jetstream 41
JU52 Junkers Ju52/3M
L101 Lockheed L-1011 Tristar
L188 Lockheed L-188 Electra
L410 LET 410
LOAD Ayres LM200 Loadmaster
MD11 McDonnell Douglas MD-11
MD80 McDonnell Douglas MD-80
MD81 McDonnell Douglas MD-81
MD82 McDonnell Douglas MD-82
MD83 McDonnell Douglas MD-83
MD87 McDonnell Douglas MD-87
MD88 McDonnell Douglas MD-88
MD90 McDonnell Douglas MD-90
MI8 MIL Mi-8 / Mi-17 / Mi-171 / Mil-172
MU2 Mitsubishi Mu-2
N262 Aerospatiale (Nord) 262
N74S Boeing 747SP
NOMA Government Aircraft Factories N22B / N24A Nomad
P68 Partenavia P.68
PC12 Pilatus PC-12
PC6T Pilatus PC-6 Turbo Porter
RJ1H Avro RJ100
RJ70 Avro RJ70
RJ85 Avro RJ85
RX1H Avro RJX100
RX85 Avro RJX85
S210 Aerospatiale (Sud Aviation) Se.210 Caravelle
S58T Sikorsky S-58T
S601 Aerospatiale SN.601 Corvette
S61 Sikorsky S-61
S65C Eurocopter (Aerospatiale) SA365C / SA365N Dauphin 2
S76 Sikorsky S-76
S92 Sikorsky S-92
SB20 Saab 2000
SC7 Shorts SC-7 Skyvan
SF34 Saab SF340A/B
SH33 Shorts SD.330
SH36 Shorts SD.360
T134 Tupolev Tu-134
T154 Tupolev Tu-154
T204 Tupolev Tu-204 / Tu-214
TRIS Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2A Mk III Trislander
VISC Vickers Viscount
WW24 Israel Aircraft Industries 1124 Westwind
Y12 Harbin Yunshuji Y12
YK40 Yakovlev Yak-40
YK42 Yakovlev Yak-42
ICAO members are 191 of the United Nations members and the Cook Islands.
The non-member states are Dominica, Liechtenstein, Niue, Tuvalu, Vatican City, and the states with limited recognition.
Afghanistan 19 November 1946
Albania 14 December 1955
Algeria 8 October 1962
Andorra 28 July 1993
Angola 1 December 1976
Antigua and Barbuda 11 November 1981
Argentina 24 October 1945
Armenia 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Australia 1 November 1945 Australia and the United Nations
Austria 14 December 1955
Azerbaijan 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Bahamas 18 September 1973
Bahrain 21 September 1971
Bangladesh 17 September 1974
Barbados 9 December 1966
Belarus 24 October 1945 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Belgium 27 December 1945
Belize 25 September 1981
Benin [note 1] 20 September 1960
Bhutan 21 September 1971
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) [note 2] 14 November 1945
Bosnia and Herzegovina 22 May 1992 Former members: Yugoslavia
Botswana 17 October 1966
Brazil 24 October 1945 Brazil and the United Nations
Brunei Darussalam 21 September 1984
Bulgaria 14 December 1955
Burkina Faso [note 3] 20 September 1960
Burundi 18 September 1962
Cambodia [note 4] 14 December 1955
Cameroon [note 5] 20 September 1960
Canada 9 November 1945 Canada and the United Nations
Cape Verde 16 September 1975
Central African Republic [note 6] 20 September 1960
Chad 20 September 1960
Chile 24 October 1945
China 24 October 1945 Former members: Republic of China and China and the United Nations
Colombia 5 November 1945
Comoros 12 November 1975
Congo [note 7] 20 September 1960
Democratic Republic of the Congo [note 8] 20 September 1960
Costa Rica 2 November 1945
Côte d'Ivoire [note 9] 20 September 1960
Croatia 22 May 1992 Former members: Yugoslavia
Cuba 24 October 1945
Cyprus 20 September 1960
Czech Republic 19 January 1993 Former members: Czechoslovakia
Denmark 24 October 1945
Djibouti 20 September 1977
Dominica 18 December 1978
Dominican Republic 24 October 1945
Ecuador 21 December 1945
Egypt 24 October 1945 Former members: United Arab Republic
El Salvador 24 October 1945
Equatorial Guinea 12 November 1968
Eritrea 28 May 1993
Estonia 17 September 1991 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Ethiopia 13 November 1945
Fiji 13 October 1970 Fiji and the United Nations
Finland 14 December 1955
France 24 October 1945 France and the United Nations
Gabon 20 September 1960
Gambia [note 10] 21 September 1965
Georgia 31 July 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Germany 18 September 1973 Former members: Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic Republic and Germany and the United Nations
Ghana 8 March 1957
Greece 25 October 1945
Grenada 17 September 1974
Guatemala 21 November 1945
Guinea 12 December 1958
Guinea-Bissau 17 September 1974
Guyana 20 September 1966
Haiti 24 October 1945
Honduras 17 December 1945
Hungary 14 December 1955
Iceland 19 November 1946
India 30 October 1945 India and the United Nations
Indonesia 28 September 1950 Withdrawal of Indonesia (1965–1966)
Iran (Islamic Republic of) [note 11] 24 October 1945
Iraq 21 December 1945
Ireland 14 December 1955
Israel 11 May 1949 Israel, Palestine, and the United Nations
Italy 14 December 1955
Jamaica 18 September 1962
Japan 18 December 1956 Japan and the United Nations
Jordan 14 December 1955
Kazakhstan [note 12] 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Kenya 16 December 1963
Kiribati 14 September 1999
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 17 September 1991
Republic of Korea 17 September 1991
Kuwait 14 May 1963
Kyrgyzstan 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Lao People's Democratic Republic [note 13] 14 December 1955
Latvia 17 September 1991 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Lebanon 24 October 1945
Lesotho 17 October 1966
Liberia 2 November 1945
Libya[13][note 14] 14 December 1955
Liechtenstein 18 September 1990
Lithuania 17 September 1991 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Luxembourg 24 October 1945
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 8 April 1993 Former members: Yugoslavia
Madagascar [note 15] 20 September 1960
Malawi 1 December 1964
Malaysia [note 16] 17 September 1957
Maldives [note 17] 21 September 1965
Mali 28 September 1960
Malta 1 December 1964
Marshall Islands 17 September 1991 Marshall Islands and the United Nations
Mauritania 27 October 1961
Mauritius 24 April 1968
Mexico 7 November 1945
Micronesia (Federated States of) 17 September 1991 Federated States of Micronesia and the United Nations
Republic of Moldova [note 18] 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Monaco 28 May 1993
Mongolia 27 October 1961
Montenegro 28 June 2006 Former members: Yugoslavia
Morocco 12 November 1956
Mozambique 16 September 1975
Myanmar [note 19] 19 April 1948
Namibia 23 April 1990
Nauru 14 September 1999
Nepal 14 December 1955
Netherlands 10 December 1945
New Zealand 24 October 1945 New Zealand and the United Nations
Nicaragua 24 October 1945
Niger 20 September 1960
Nigeria 7 October 1960
Norway 27 November 1945
Oman 7 October 1971
Pakistan 30 September 1947 Pakistan and the United Nations
Palau 15 December 1994
Panama 13 November 1945
Papua New Guinea 10 October 1975
Paraguay 24 October 1945
Peru 31 October 1945
Philippines [note 20] 24 October 1945
Poland 24 October 1945
Portugal 14 December 1955
Qatar 21 September 1971
Romania 14 December 1955
Russian Federation 24 October 1945 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Russia and the United Nations
Rwanda 18 September 1962
Saint Kitts and Nevis [note 21] 23 September 1983
Saint Lucia 18 September 1979
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 16 September 1980
Samoa 15 December 1976
San Marino 2 March 1992
Sao Tome and Principe [note 22] 16 September 1975
Saudi Arabia 24 October 1945
Senegal 28 September 1960
Serbia 1 November 2000 Former members: Yugoslavia
Seychelles 21 September 1976
Sierra Leone 27 September 1961
Singapore 21 September 1965
Slovakia 19 January 1993 Former members: Czechoslovakia
Slovenia 22 May 1992 Former members: Yugoslavia
Solomon Islands 19 September 1978
Somalia 20 September 1960
South Africa [note 23] 7 November 1945
South Sudan 14 July 2011
Spain 14 December 1955
Sri Lanka [note 24] 14 December 1955
Sudan 12 November 1956
Suriname [note 25] 4 December 1975
Swaziland 24 September 1968
Sweden 19 November 1946
Switzerland 10 September 2002
Syrian Arab Republic 24 October 1945 Former members: United Arab Republic
Tajikistan 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Republic of Tanzania 14 December 1961 Former members: Tanganyika and Zanzibar
Thailand [note 26] 16 December 1946
Timor-Leste 27 September 2002
Togo 20 September 1960
Tonga 14 September 1999
Trinidad and Tobago 18 September 1962
Tunisia 12 November 1956
Turkey 24 October 1945
Turkmenistan 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Tuvalu 5 September 2000
Uganda 25 October 1962
Ukraine 24 October 1945 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
United Arab Emirates 9 December 1971
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 24 October 1945 United Kingdom and the United Nations
United States of America 24 October 1945 United States and the United Nations
Uruguay 18 December 1945
Uzbekistan 2 March 1992 Former members: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Vanuatu 15 September 1981 Vanuatu and the United Nations
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) [note 27] 15 November 1945
Viet Nam 20 September 1977
Yemen 30 September 1947 Former members: Yemen and Democratic Yemen
Zambia 1 December 1964
Zimbabwe 25 August 1980
Capt Shekhar Gupta
W : www.aerosoftseo.com
E : shekhar@aerosoft.in
W : www.aerosoftseo.com
E : shekhar@aerosoft.in
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